  • Parakeet

    22 juni 2019, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    While John waited at the laundromat for our clothes to finish the wash cycle this afternoon in Oviedo, I went around the corner for a beer. (I know, but John doesn’t drink beer.)

    I was sitting at a small table. Out of the blue, a blue parakeet fell onto my table! Like, out of the sky/ceiling! I gently scooped it up in my hands, snd everyone in the bar — two men, the lady behind the bar, her little girl, and another woman all gathered around. I asked if it belonged to anyone — “No!”

    So of course I put it into the hands of a very excited little girl. I went back to my beer, but moments later, the bird flew away from the little girl and landed right back into my hands! Well, this time they found a box for it. The men at the bar were quite excited about the whole scene and when they found out I’m a pilgrim, they insisted on buying my beer. What a strange scene! And John missed it!

    But at least I got a picture —
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