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    5. Dezember 2018 in Bolivien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    I came her with Geoff as I wanted to see somewhere different in Bolivia and this place sure was a contrast to La Paz. Lots of places seem really European and Spanish, but this city really could have been. It’s quite modern and seems like it has quite a bit of money.
    I got quite ill here from a parasite, but we still had a good look around
    The big highlight of this place is the market. It’s the largest in South America, and it was huge!!! It was basically all the markets I’ve been to combined in 3 massive city blocks.
    Other things included the biggest Christ statue in the world and pretty much every colectivo van on the planet.
    There was also a protest, the day we had planned to do a hike, which included the whole country going on strike till 6pm. It was really strange with no cars on the street and roads barricaded. We joined in, naturally.
    The reason was about an upcoming vote on the 21st of Feb to weather the president can run for an illegal 5th term, after his currently illegal 4th term. It’s all really bad and corrupt, so I hope they sort it out! I felt well enough to jump on a night bus to Surce the next day.