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  • Day 8

    Day 8

    April 18 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Leisurely start to the morning the plan was to head to Ranchita Bodega when they open at 9. Since we ended up camping so close, and already mostly all used to getting up early. We had a bit of spare time. BeFree has a foam ball to roll out her back that’s perfect to use as a baseball. We had a catch and played a quick couple pitches with trekking pole bats.

    We go a ride to the Bodega and had a lovely morning. They are a great resupply. I got some candy, tuna, peanut butter, and some zip lock bags. We hung around there until about noon when the shuttle took us back to trail. Then about 8 miles to Warner Springs.

    Sam, Charlotte and Tux (from the extended family) caught an earlier shuttle, and Leo and I were on the noon shuttle with the rest of the extended fam. As usual, Leo was much faster. So I hiked with Spicy Batman, BeFree and the Dutchman. It was a lovely walk through grassy meadows. I can see how in a year with less rain that would be a miserable hot walk. But we had some overcast and lots of greenery.

    We saw eagle rock, which is sacred to the native tribes who used to live here. From a distance it was hard to see but from the right angle it is incredibly accurate to an eagle.

    We got to Warner springs community center right when they opened at 4. They have two outdoor showers and bucket laundry. They also had some donated apples and tangerines. Very refreshing,

    We are camping .2 back from the community center on trail. Batman and I headed back early since it seemed like a ton of people were going to camp here. There are probably 20+ people around us. Unfortunately Sam, Charlotte, and Leo are at the next campground down. We’ll all meet up in the morning for breakfast burritos though! There is a restaurant here that bring burritos to trail in the morning

    Camping at 109.3
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