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    All over town

    5. September 2019 in Brasilien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Another cloudy drizzly day. We decided to go to the Oscar Americano Foundation, the estate of a business magnate who donated his modernist home to the city for preservation as a garden and museum. We had been there years ago when my mom visited us in Sao Paulo. I remember an elaborate British tea, which we didn’t have today because we had our eyes set on a traditional Sao Paulo “lanchonete.”

    After a couple of hours walking around the garden and museum, we did stop in the café for some pao de queijo. If you’ve never had it, you are missing out!

    Our trip to the lanchonete took us to a burger joint, so we opted for the Dib Lebanese restaurant next door. Delicious, once again.

    Final stop of the day, the Afro-Brazilian museum, a slightly confusing collection but lots of really intresting historical and artistic material.

    Dinner is likely to be pizza, maybe back to our neighborhood and the now very trendy Pizzaria Margherita.