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  • Day 4

    San Muñoz to Alba de Yeltes (26 km)

    September 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    It was 3 km from town on an untraveled road to where I picked up the Cañada again. What wonderful walking. Even in the fall, with no water to cross, no flowers, dry harvested fields, it is peaceful and the encina are so majestic. With the Sierra de Bejar (I think) popping out in the distance every few twists and turns. In springtime there are several water crossings and even a real river to ford, but not one drop of water did I see. The locals tell me that the Yeltes River for “toda la vida” had at least some water in summer, but not now.

    A few more kms today than yesterday, a few hundred m more elevation gain, I’m taking it slow. Several long stops, stretches every time a muscle gets my attention, lots more water than I’ve ever drunk on a camino. I am really being the model Peregrina.

    Alba de Yeltes has had an albergue here for years. The hospitalera Aurora’s husband was the moving force to get the town to dedicate some unused space. It’s a perfect albergue and has thought of everything. That’s because her husband walked many Caminos before a double lung transplant did not take and, sadly, he died. The albergue is named after him and it is a wonderful legacy that peregrinos will have this perfect stop on the Torres. With a bar/restaurante next door and a very accommodating staff, there is nothing missing. Except maybe a few peregrinos—I am the first to stay here since the end of June!
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