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    15. Januar 2017 in Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    It feels like we have been in Vietnam for weeks and its only been two days. In a way I get the kind off time travel feeling we experienced in Cuba. It is just so incredibly different and such a rich cultural experience.

    I am still getting used to the Dong. We are getting around 22,000 to 1 USD, it seems expensive to buy a can of soda for 15,000 Dong but then when you work it out its 67c, it is not even a supermarket price. I think it is all the zeros that are so confusing . I mean I walk around with millions in my purse -mindboggling. In restaurants the local beer is the same price as a soda how strange!!

    As I am typing this blog, we are on a ferry to get across the river to our next overnight stop, we got out of the minibus to have a look around and this bike fully packed with ducks was on our same ferry.. Very entertaining I tell you!! I doubt there are any animal activists in Vietnam as this will cause havoc anywhere else in the world ( or at least the western world..?)

    So many crazy things all around that makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. Look at the wires where Roedolf is trying to cross the road- insane!!
