Viking River Cruise

mai 2023 - juni 2024
Et åpent eventyr av John Les mer
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  • 29fotspor
  • 4land
  • 379dager
  • 142bilder
  • 1videoer
  • 2,4kkilometer
  • Dag 4

    Dinner and beer culture

    25. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    The first place was Muhlen. They served bratwurst, sauerkraut, pork, onions, potatoes and flava beans. Dessert was a malt mousse. Bill Clinton ate there.

    Second place was Paffgen. Sat with Henrik our guide.

    Third place was musical bar. Papa Joe's Biersalon. Lots of player pianos and mechanical musical instruments.
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  • Dag 5

    Marksburg Castle

    26. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Went by Stolzenfels Castle ( white castle). Brown castle Burg Lahnneck. 800 years old. Never been destroyed or conquered. Protected with 4 gates. 6 different owners. 1238 oldest part. Locals, Not slaves, but ordered to build it. Steps added later.
    Canons added in the 16th and 17th centuries. Can shoot all the way across the Rhine. Not sure if used in battle or just as salutes for the King.
    Two families live in site.they work on maintenance. There was a well in the wine cellar. Beer and wine was safer. Drank a lot of wine, but it had less alcohol. Made own wine.

    10 to 16 people lived here in peacetime. 20-25 rooms in the castle.

    Bedroom is heated. Think everyone slept here. People slept at an angle rather than horizontal because that was the position of death.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Marksburg Castle 2

    26. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Great room. Lock in toilet from the outside. Afraid of attack from inside.

    Weapons for foot soldiers. First armor 600-400 BC. Some armor suits 40-80 pounds. Visors for tournaments to show face. Beginning of military salutes.

    Torture chamber ceiling is original. The rack is here and thumbscrews. Torture was for the truth, then there was punishment. Shame masks. Head of pig, for adultery. Without having much, dignity was important.

    Blacksmith shop. Did not make weapons here. Made nails and horseshoes and tools.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Rhine upper deck

    26. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    On the upper deck on the Rhine. Travelling about 7 miles an hour. Liebenstein castle . Rival brothers in love with the same maiden. Bad Salzag. Edge of Roman Empire. Salt baths. UNESCO heritage region. No traffic bridges over the Rhine.

    Church and pub together at km marker 560.

    Burg Maus castle.

    Rheinfels castle

    Kat castle

    Loreley valley of Rhine. loreley maiden

    The Germans built fake castles in train spaces because the Allies were not bombing historical castles or churches . Loreley S curve.

    Later castles Aug Schonburg
    St. Marten church
    Burg Gutenfels
    Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in the river
    Ruin "Fürstenberg Castle"
    Heimburg in Niederheimbach
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  • Dag 8

    Bamberg tour

    29. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    First reference in 900s .Neo Rennnnaiaance style our American base closed in 2014
    Christof clauvis reworked Gregorian calendar.Not always adopted.
    U. Bamberg 13000 students. Slaughter house from middle ages with ox. University owns building with ox worked until 1904.
    Old island town hall. 1300s. Plastered overland painted.1755 painting.
    Little Venice behind slaughter house.
    The poor lived near the river
    Baroque style flavored by prince bishop. Tax breaks for those who transferred from half timber to baroque.
    1405 schlenker brewery.
    Cathedral Romanesque and Gothic. Renaissance portal. Baroque third building.

    1002 cornerstone laid. This is the third version. All stone in 1237. Bamberg horseman inside King Stephenof Hungary. He rode into the cathedral as he rode into the cathedral on his horse .there is a papal tomb 1047 died. Pope Clement II from Bamberg. Wine was sweetened with lead sugar. Emporer Henry II buried here. His wife was a powerful woman for their time. Childless and they were canonized. Hard to say her name. Holy Roman Emporer. She proved her innocence walking over red hot plow shares. Never burned as that miracle.

    Princess portal. Jesus judging
    All will be judged. Statue is woman blind to the truth of Christ

    Jews blamed for all. All calamities. Money envy. Only they were allowed to be lenders.
    1600e iinvited back for Prince . 1880s allowed citizenship. Had a synagogue open in 1910 opened by Mayor with kind words. Destroyed in 1938. Called the pogrom night or night of broken glass. In 1946 Jews started to return . Founded by Jews.
    Residence of prince bishop Theater performances coming. 3 musketeers filmed here. Bosch main employer here. 2011 movie. A Netflix series the empress filmed here. Third building Baroque residence. Palace. Only 2 wings. Ran out of money. Waiting stones.

    Linden trees. In garden. 1000 old core buildings. Layout similar to other towns.
    UNESCo site. Weren't bombed much 4% . Didn't have much industry. Nuremberg more important. Kunigunde empress.

    It did taste like bacon.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Nuremberg through History

    30. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Canal opened in 1972 , but took 20 more years to connect from Bamberg to Danube. Garden city erected in 1900. Employers built housing. Mentioned in 1050. Franconian region (like Bamberg) of Bavaria. Aldi grocery founded in Germany. Adidas founded near here. Another quarrel. Puma is founded a brother. 6000 employees for Adidas. Siemens headquarters here in 1850s. Train parts and electrical engine. Invented electric engine for elevators in 1880. SS barracks, Hitler's strongest supporters. US took over the barracks in 1945 and stayed until reunification in 1989. Now federal agency for immigration and asylum. 1933-1938 party rallies here. Congress Hall based on coliseum of Rome. Granite facade stark and cold. It never was finished. Mark Twain came to Nurenberg in 1880s. 'Wagner's music is better than it sounds.' Bavaria is one of 16 federal states.

    Nuremberg bombed over 40 times. International toy fair every February. Always a toy city. Dolls here in the middle ages. Intact city walls. Very rare in Europe. A round shell around square towers because of cannonballs. First train ride in 1830s. In Europe. Kissinger born nearby in Firt. His family fled Jewish persecution.

    Nuremberg trials held here. The prison and Hall of Justice were not damaged. People held responsible for behavior during the war. Not just soldiers. 12 of the 21 defendants were hanged and cremated. 3 were acquitted. The rest imprisoned.

    Blue and white flag is Blue and white. Fracovia flag is red and white. 500 years old, current castle.
    At one time , around 1500, 4 the largest city in Europe. 40,000 people in 1400. Not sure why started with stone and then brick. Prague and Nuremberg are sister cities. Towers survived WW2. Narrow house one of only surviving the bombing in this areas.

    German artist praying hands. Owned house with slooping roof. Original art distributed around the world. Albrecht Durer. Airport named after him. St George dragon slayer . Armaments made here. Even the emporer bought armor here. Treasure chest of Europe. Huge cellar system underneath.
    In 1500 s converted to Lutheran by order. Old Catholic churches. Didn't destroy art. Germans pay church tax is 8 % of the tax.

    Fountain is 750 years old.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10


    31. mai 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    St. Peter's Cathedral existed since 700AD. Gothic style and latest version after fires has been in place since 1320. The twin towers are 350 feet high.

    The Old Stone Bridge was constructed in the 12th century. There are 16 arches. 168K residents

    Bridge is 1000 feet long. Roman tower 1800 tears old. White top

    The city name is the king at the river Rein ( I think) 1200-1400 heyday. 1570 mural. House from 1200s. Tall tower indicating wealth.
    Clock tower 1250. Weddings held here on Fridays. Orange building built for dancing and then an assembly hall of the holy Roman Empire.

    Cathedral is limestone and green sandstone. The sandstone is subject to pollution. Cleaning done here. Original stained glass windows. Removed and then reinstalled later.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11


    1. juni 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    7000 years of history 50,000 people and 50 churches. Grey house 1600-1700s new town. Rococo.
    12000 university city. Black inside church from 1660.
    Archeological remains go back to 5000BC. Neathendetal here too. Churches go back to 500. Baroque style. Onion shaped towers is a sign of Baroque. 1600. After Baroque was 1800s Rococo. Then after rococo art neauvo, then 1900s art deco. This was church of people. Painted black wood. St. Paul's church.

    Danube was border of Roman Empire. Celts north of Danube. Most Italian city out of Italy. Original Roman wall. Bells on fingers and toes to hear if bell rings from black plague. Don't touch with a 10 foot pole from plague as well.

    Cathedral is baroque. Used to be largest pipe organ in world. We were in courtyard of Cathedral. We didn't go in. Five organs inside. She said lots of scaffolding inside because of renovations.

    Rococo palace in 1700s. Medieval market with fountain.
    Les mer