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    Haunting notes, pizzicato strings…Vienna

    3 Mayıs 2023, Avusturya ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    The train arrived quite early, and we walked 10 minutes to our hotel. A very modern part of the city, with countless hotels and apartment blocks: very smart.

    Sadly, we were too early for our room, so we ditched the big bags and headed out to explore.
    On our way to the city centre we passed through the gardens of the Belvedere Palace: quite spectacular!
    A much needed coffee break turned into a tasty early brunch at Kleines Café…cash only, a theme that occurred more than once in Vienna!

    Refreshed, we reached the central St. Stephen's Cathedral. Against our better judgement, we took the 343 steps up the taller South Tower…narrowing as we climbed, a tough job when we found it was also the only way down, a tight space to pass others.

    It was a fair day, and the views made it worthwhile 😎

    Back outside, we loosely following a route Google Bard AI has suggested. Decided against a horse and carriage ride, and grinned at the many old vehicles also available for tours: we went on through the Sisi Museum, past the Hofburg. Down to an impressive 1800s copy of a Roman Temple, which currently housed what can only be described as a gigantic Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver 🤪

    We turned around at the Parliament Building, and were treated to the rapid and noisy arrival of half a dozen small Police vans….like a scene from the Austrian Sweeney. Two coppers ran past us to join them, & it felt very much like they were surrounding one young man. Who knows….👀

    We noticed some quirky road crossing lights with different styles - an older looking couple with a heart on: bizarre!
    On to the Naschmarkt…an interesting and large market, & a great spot to pause for a refreshing beer 🍻

    From there, we strolled back to our hotel, passing the largest and first Diplomatic School along the way.

    With the bags in the room, we finally headed out for a very tasty schnitzel and Tirol grostl (a local take on bubble’n’squeak!) at a locals place nearby, the Caktus Cafe 👍
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