  • Tag 53

    Wow, already December

    1. Dezember 2019 in Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    We started December with a day of relaxation, and got some excellent German food here in town. So after a day of rest, we were off to the run with the Bangkok Monday Hash.

    BMH3 - My old friend Noriega teamed up with Boob-a-Lube to set a short but interesting trail in Onnut. Had a large pack of over 25, and the trail kept us guessing all the way. We crossed some of the most rickety wooden bridges, thought for sure one of us was going to take it down. Fortunatly all was well, and we all made it back safely.
    Good times.

    Tuesday is another day without a hash, so Jo went to yoga, and take care of some travel arrangements. I went to BNH for a medical check up. Well, the doctor gave me the once over, and all my vitals were good (BP was 114/66, and has stayed steady since the surgery). My heart sounded good, my lungs sounded good, but a chest x-ray revealed acute Bronchitis. So in less than two hours, I was in and out of BNH (outstanding service), I was out the door with 4 different medications (antibiotics) and told to rest and stay hydrated. Later that evening, we did go over to the Kiwi Bar to say farewell to Diarrhea,. He is flying back to Nottingham, England after a 7 week vacation here. We ran many great trails together.

    BH4 - Well, after two days of rest, I was feeling better, so foolishly I went to the Bangkok Ladies Hash to walk trail. I fell behind pretty quickly, and walked along with the older crew, until we hit a point where there were no more pack marks. So we lost trail, and eventually just found our own way to the finish. Probably should have stayed in bed, but like I said, I am a fool. :) I was feeling pretty tired after trail, so just came back and went to bed.

    I have been in bed most of the day today, only venturing out to turn in our laundry, and get some lunch. Had to make a difficult decision, as we were all set to fly to Seoul tomorrow to celebrate the 1000th Hash, and 20th Anniversary, of the Seoul Southside H3 (a hash that I founded back when I lived in Seoul). Very disappointing to miss it, but believe it is the best move to recover now, and not subject myself to the long flight, and the freezing cold air of South Korea. Jo will be going to the Bangkok Thursday H3, while I relax and watch a movie here in the hotel.

    On Friday, after two more days in bed, I finally felt good enough to go out. So we jumped into the Siam Sunday H3 Christmas Party at the last minute. Was a good time up on Soi 24, with about 70 hashers in attendance. I was still not drinking, and the soup was the only thing that looked good to me, but it was nice to talk to people for a while. Jo had a great time, enjoying my share of the booze as well.

    Saturday I took another whole day off, resting in bad, and watching movies. Feeling better now, with nearly a week of no alcohol while taking the antibiotics.