  • Dag 110

    Port Vila H3 Trail #2283

    27 januari 2020, Vanuatu ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Had an amazing trail with the hash here today in Vanuatu. We had a few issues with finding the start, including a pin dot that was in an open field, and my cell phone that just dies at random . . . but we did find the start just in time as the pack was headed out. The trail was excellent, with a start uphill straight into the shiggy. Was a bit frustrating going up, as it was all single file in a conga line. This left me dead last by the time we reached the top as I helped others through barbed wire fences. Once we reached the top, it was back on the road, following the tail end of the pack. We got to a point that turned out to be about a mile+ from the finish, marked by an arrow that signified . . . find your own way back to the start. Fortunately we were with a local hasher who explained this to us, and led us back home. In the circle, the local rabble was full of fun, cussing up a storm and full of jokes. Lots of good humored banter about fuck all, so I jumped in with a few songs, which always leads to more fun. In the end, we made a bunch of new friends, and had an amazing time on the hash. Port Vila H3 is not to be missed. On On. informatie