  • Hari 115

    Men’s Monday Madness H3 (HHHMMM)

    25 April 2022, Trinidad dan Tobago ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    After a most awesome prelube hash cruise, hashing on 7 different islands . . . we now move on to another lovely 8th island . . . Trinidad. Our plane was delayed from landing for about a half an hour as we made circles in the sky over the torrential downpour. Another plane landed just before us, and I ended up being about the last in line at customs . . . so another hour delay. Rush hour traffic was bumper to bumper as we creeped along the way to the Hilton . . . BUT, we arrived with just enough time to check in, drop off, change clothes, and head out to start of the hash.

    The HHHMMM is known as the runners hash, and it did not disappoint. It was a FAST 7+ miles through the streets of Port of Spain on a warm but humid evening. Trail was marked in flour, with circles for checks, X for checkbacks, an occasional arrow, and plops to lead us along the way. Although they don’t normally have multiple beer checks, they had 3 on this trail for all the visitors. I don’t drink on trail, so was just time to chat and meet some of the Trini hashers. We finished with a short circle back in the parking lot at Queens Park Savannah, and all was right in the world. On On to 7 more days and 7 more trails here in Trinidad for OUTERHASH 2022.
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