  • Día 19

    Mck - Jomsom

    20 de noviembre de 2018, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

    Day 20.

    Trekking day (short jeep) to Jomsom, checked into a fine looking hotel, only when we sought to investigate the slightly annoying banging did we discover the rooftop yak butchery, that smell will stay with us for some time to come, safe to say Yak meet is certainly off the menu if it wasn't already, can't say the same for everyone we share the story with as they seem to instantly proceed with ordering more Yak!

    Stay in Jomsom followed by a cheeky 13 Hour Jeep ride back to Pokhara, certainly an experience. Met a lovely British couple working for the Nepal embassy who also confirmed this was the worst journey ever. Insane to see the landslides quickly be cleared and a new road built within the afternoon albeit slightly scary!!

    Our first try of unboiled instant noodles too, it was that or starve on the mountain side, our driver certainly wasn't stopping for a lunch break. This was however a local delicacy of Nepal so about time we got involved, a local entrepreneur was quick in taking advantage of the landslide situation but we were starving and therefore grateful!

    Interesting visit all in all, certainly put off Yak meat if we weren't already and will begin to appreciate those rocky roads slightly more, at least it's a road!
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