  • Dag 20


    20 december 2019, Nieuw-Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    After a horrible night, we took it easy in the morning. At least the sun is shining again but it's still really windy.
    We had even some eggs for breakfast today 😉

    Then we went to the garage in Collingwood. They told me that there was no way to repair the tire and they, unfortunately, don't have one in the same size. So we had to drive to Takaka with the reserve tire. But at least there are supposed to be 4 garages so we had a lot of hope, that one would have the tire we need. 🤞🏼
    At the first garage, they didn't have a tire for us straight away but they were supposed to get them in the afternoon.
    We then said, we go and ask at the other place next to them if they have one as we need it as soon as possible, so we can keep on going with ou plan, but at least we knew, we definitely gonna be a new tire today at least.

    The other garage actually at the right tire but they didn't have the time to put it on until Tuesday. So we went back to the first place and ask if they could put on the tire and they had time for it straight away! So we got the tire from the other place and left the car there for around one hour!
    We went to the small market that is in the town center today during the time we were waiting for my car and bought some really nice fruits!
    And we even met the little rotti girl! Isn't she adorable? 😍

    Then we picked up my car and started our trip for today. We stopped by the Rawhiti Cave first. I have been here last time as well, but I forgot how difficult the hike to the cave is 🙈
    It was really slippery from last night's rain and took us more time than expected. But the cave is still very impressive!

    After that, we also stopped by the Wainui Fall.
    Last time people were swimming in the pool under the waterfall, this time it was impossible because the waterfall was so strong and carried so much water, that it would be dangerous to swim there! A bit different from last time.

    We then went to Toturanui for the night. Finally, the wind was starting to slow down more and more and we spent some time just relaxing and enjoying the weather before it was time to get some food ready.
    While I was cooking Lu was playing a little bit on here guitar!

    After that, we started to back our backpacks for the next two days, as we gonna hike the middle part of the Abel Tasman Coastal Walk! 🤗
    Hopefully, I get a good sleep tonight because tomorrow we gonna sleep in her tent together, because the huts are so expensive and we just don want to spend so much money for it!
    Gonna be fine like this! We are going really got together and it’s really nice to have company for this!
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