  • Jour 344

    Almerimar nature reserve

    25 mars 2018, Espagne ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    OK we admit it we slept in, after two nights of howling winds and then moving the clocks forward we missed the 10 O’clock rendezvous time for the Sunday walk, but we did do our own walk East along the beach to the nature reserve where we managed to take some photos of the flamingos sadly we couldn’t get very close but here they are.
    Last week there was only Maria and myself so we repeated one of the Castala walks the one to the old disused lead mine, I took a couple of photos.
    We don’t have any real news except that against all expectations we won a round of the music based quiz on Wednesday so John has another bottle of red wine to drink. The winds have been high almost all week so no major work done on the boat but we do manage the odd hour here and there so things are moving forward slowly, this week the weather is supposed to be much better so fingers crossed. Not sure if I have mentioned that I am working in the local charity shop whenever they need me and worked 8hours last week that kept me out of trouble for a while. The shop raises money to help look after abandoned and injured animals mostly dogs and cats.
    Tomorrow one of our friends Ian has arranged a visit to a private motor collection so provided I am allowed to take photos I will post some and tell you more about the visit later in the week.
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