  • Día 8

    "Phuket" or "F**k It"

    15 de mayo de 2017, Islandia ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Our day begins with a visit to a bakery in Husavik. All retail appears to be closed here as it is Sunday. No worries. We chat with a local and get some possible intel on spotting whales from the safety of land. We stroll through this picturesque port but no luck seeing any of the big kids. Oh well, we have other places to be but not before we get more FREE stuff in Iceland. We got FREE air for the tires and FREE water with a brush to wash the car. The car wouldn't have needed a wash had I not decided to put my window down to toss some leftover coffee out. YEP?....forgot to check the wind direction.....similar result as peeing into the wind!! Even managed to mess the interior up with that move. Aren't you glad that you're not travelling with ME??!!!

    Before we leave town, I gas the car up and Cath grabs a Coke Zero, the ones with different locales on the label. She was eyeing up the "Miami" bottle but settled for "Phuket." As we were now 7 days into our adventure, she had had enough.....and either said "Phuket" or "F**k It". The jury is still out on the exact wording. Cut us some slack tho as we are having a difficult enough time with Icelandic.

    Our journey today was to pay up the promise of doubling back to Grjotagja to see a cave used for filming in Game of Thrones. It was small but awesome....have attached a pic. Following the cave, we made our way to the Myvatn Nature Baths. OMG......wayyyy better than the Blue Lagoon in man ways. Spent a glorious hour or so soaking in 40C water. Can you say "ahhhhhhhhh"?

    We are heading for Akureyri now....second largest city in Iceland and a university town to boot. But that another "Foss" ahead?? Why yes it is....we must pull over. It is Godafoss....yet another waterfall with quite a unique tale behind it (Google it and save me telling you). Godafoss is truly awesome and holy moly,what a great spot to be a white water rafter....professionals only....this is NOT for the amateurs.

    OK, onward we go. The drive to Akureyri is bedazzling but sends us up a mountain pass. Which means we have to come down a mountain pass. This is not good on my psyche. I sit on the brake the entire trip down. At different points we exit a curve and enter Shangri La.....spellbinding views of mountains and lakes. Cath doesn't have the camera on her lap so ,sorry, no pics to prove how stunning it was. AND no pics to show how scared I was !!

    Akureyri is beautiful. Haven't been to Switzerland but I am guessing there is a similarity here. 18000 population. Located in a valley with a lake and surrounded by snow capped mountains. It could easily be a Christmas ball....shake and watch.

    We scored a spot in the middle of town and finally have our own bathroom....not an easy thing to come by unless you spend big bucks. Luckily we still had some big bucks as we needed them to cover dinner. Two orders of fish n chips with one beer...over $50 Cdn. We were stuffed which was a good thing as the ice cream parlour was on our way back to the hotel......perhaps tomorrow !!

    Tomorrow, stroll around Akureyri for awhile and then head north to Dalvik and points along the coast of what I call "the thumb". We are guessing the scenery might blow us away. We are booked into a little spot called Hofsos. As long as I don't have to go UP a mountain, we should be good to go. in Husavik acknowledging NASA training, photo of dock in Husavik, Cath at Godafoss, "GOT" cave, scenery along Ring Road(always a snow capped mountain nearby)
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