  • День 4

    Rudolph the red nosed reindeer

    28 мая 2017 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    We have made the ultimate sacrifice for our "followers." We bought internet service on board our new home for the next 6 days....Hurtigruten's "Polarlys". Small price to pay to keep you in the loop !!! Of course it means something in the budget got cut.....no Coke Zero for Cath for a week.

    Our day started with breakfast at our hotel, the Scandic Kirkenes....have not seen a breakfast spread like that for quite sometime. Great way to end our run of hotel stays. Checkout....free bus to the dock....walk aboard and register. Our cruise has unofficially begun....we depart Kirkenes in an hour. Time to get our bearings. The ship was updated last year and seems to not lack for anything. "Polarlys" doubles as a delivery vessel so we will make 32 stops of varying durations these next 6 days.

    Catherine and I are sitting on deck 7 when she realizes we have pushed off from the dock. It is exactly 12:30 p.m.....we leave right on time. Our cruise has now officially begun.

    First stop...Vardo where we take a brisk walk to a witch monument. An odd spot but the walk was refreshing. Thankfully Cath grabs a booklet that will explain what we just saw!!

    Once back, not much time before dinner. Hurtigruten scheduled us for the 6:00 p.m sitting. We have a table for 2 with another table beside us. Soon a couple join us...Daryl and Jennie from Australia. They are on the round trip cruise so have been aboard for 6 days. They had an empty table beside them for the south to north voyage. Now they'll have to put up with me for 6 days!! They are delightful...well travelled....and Daryl, a retired teacher, sings in a men's choir.

    Tonight's dinner is a 3 course meal. Smoked salmon for starters followed by....wait for it......RUDOLPH. Yes, we had reindeer. Catherine ate all of her's so that should tell you something about the taste. It was delicious. Dessert is next up but wait...what's this??

    Suddenly our table is invaded by about 8 staff all waving Norway flags and singing. They surround the table singing the Norwegian version of "Happy Birthday." Cath gets hugs/best wishes from several of the female staff and a special dessert. The room erupts in polite applause and the birthday girl is blushing. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos and Daryl didn't know the lyrics!!

    Next stop....Batsfjord for 30 minutes. In/out....like clockwork. Onward to Berlevag......15 minutes....see ya.

    Our next port is Mehamn.....it is 2 1/4 hours away...scheduled to arrive shortly before 1:00 a.m....not gonna see that stop....bedtime but not before Hurtigruten's ship " Vesteralen" passes us on our port side as the ships swap spots in Berlevag. Time for bed...it is snowing A LOT (see pic)

    Day 1 is in the books. Great ship, food and company.

    Happy Birthday Cath.

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