  • Dag 5

    The Weather Gods Strike

    29 mei 2017, Noorwegen ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    It is Monday....Memorial Day in the US....just another day for us travellers who continually have to ask what day of the week it is.

    By the time we awake our ship has made 3 stops during the night. None were scheduled to last more than 15 minutes. By the time we finish breakfast, we are close to making stop #4. We sign up for a short tour to be conducted in Hammerfest....scheduled stop #5 for today. Prior to arrival Cath says "bundle's cold out." Well, cold is up for debate but what isn't debatable is the snow. We board a bus and off we go for less than an hour through the streets of Hammerfest. Quite interesting BUT our visibility was affected by the weather. Once back on board we set off to a mixture of snow, fog and eventually rolling waters. Today was one of those days that no matter what you did, it ended in a nap in a comfy chair on deck #7.....TWICE.

    Some of our scheduled stops are 2+ hours apart. Lots of snow capped peaks to see but not much else. Regardless, the scenery is ruggedly beautiful.

    Lunch and dinner are first rate...again !! Later this evening there was a short presentation by our Captain regarding plotting the ship's course. His English is wayyyy better than our Norwegian. Prior to his presentation, we pass the tiny village of Havnnes...pop 50. Flags are flown by both parties....apparently it is traditional. The "fly by" was the result of taking a special detour to Lyngenfjord. Just so you know....any word ending in "fjord" is a fjord much like a "foss" is a waterfall in Iceland.

    We are scheduled to arrive in Tromso at midnight where some travellers will attend a midnight concert. We take a's time for "lights out" on deck 3.

    Busy 7 stop day tomorrow.....hoping to be able to hop off for awhile as 2 stops are for an hour or more.

    Pics.....Hammerfest, Havnnes,scenery, snowing
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