
Ogos 2017 - Februari 2018
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  • Hari 98

    More birthday parties..

    11 November 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    This week has been the week of Tom with him celebrating his 6th bday. Two of the lovely mums from his class invited us to do a joint party with their kids Sara & Pablo, which we keenly accepted. The parties here are almost all held in ‘the pinos’ above the city. The spot has spectacular views out to the snow capped Sierra Nevada mountains & lots of room for the kids to roam. It was great to see Tom enjoying himself and getting showered with love from his new classmates. Tomorrow his birthday celebrations continue with us all going to a soccer game to see the team ‘Granada’ in action.

    Out of all the kids Tom has had the hardest time adjusting to a new place & school. I’m pleased to report however that over the past couple of weeks he has switched into gear. Almost like he has accepted the fact that this is his new reality & has decided to enjoy it. Fingers crossed he stays on track from here!!

    The weather has also suddenly changed here. We are waking up to 1 or 2 degree mornings & we have snow on the mountains. We are struggling to work the complicated, underfloor heating system in our house & it is COLD. The days are still clear, warm & sunny but I’m already missing the warm summer evenings we experienced when we first arrived. The kids of course are super excited about seeing snow for the first time! That might be my next post!!
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  • Hari 105

    A narrow gorge, cave and swinging bridge

    18 November 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today, the 18th of November is my mums birthday. This day and the days leading up to it are always difficult because she is so present in my thoughts and that means I miss her more than usual. So, in her memory, I decided to embark on an 'Aima adventure' and take the boys to the hills. We started on a dirt path outside Monochil a small town 10kms from Granada. Alone and with little signage we followed our instincts along a narrow path through a dramatic gorge crawling under rock overhangs and though a cave to finally reach some spectacular (but suspect looking) swinging bridges. It was a beautiful adventure and we needed lots of 'Aima explorer spirit' to get us through! Happy birthday mum.Baca lagi

  • Hari 122

    Autumn colours

    5 Disember 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

    One of our favourite places to stroll in Granada are the paths leading up to and around the Alhambra and surrounding gardens. They are steep but spectacular & there are lots of things to explore on the way up. Right now the trees are all red and yellow & with snow capped mountains framing the view it is beautiful! Just a shame that it’s sooo damn cold!!!Baca lagi

  • Hari 122

    Christmas lights

    5 Disember 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    Some of you will know that I’ve always loved Christmas carols & Christmas lights. So it was with delight that I dragged the boys into the centre square tonight to see the lights get switched on. They didn’t disappoint!Baca lagi

  • Hari 125

    A puente

    8 Disember 2017, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    A puente is a holiday in spain from the 6th - 10th December. The 6th (Wednesday) is constitution day & the 8th (Friday) is the feast of the immaculate conception of the blessed Virgin Mary. The holiday is called a puente (meaning bridge) in recognition of the fact that they need an extra day off to bridge the time between the weekend and the holidays to create a long weekend. Love this country!!

    We utilized our days off school off with a short trip to nearby town Cordoba & under intense pressure from Max we drove up to Sierra Nevada to touch the snow.

    The highlight of Cordoba was the Mezquita-Catedral a beautiful and fascinating building that symbolizes the many religious changes Cordoba has undergone over the centuries. My pictures don’t do this building justice - it is truly amazing. Of course the kids were more interested in the garbage truck outside and Ivy actually declared she was bored after 3.5 minutes. Max used the time to ask us every question imaginable about the death of Jesus & the meaning behind all of the other religious drawings, all of which Chris & I were ill-equipped to deal with.

    The sun was shining for our first time in the snow. No skiing but great fun tobogganing & just general messing around. I think we will be back soon!
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  • Hari 191

    Navidad & Family Road Trip - Part 1

    12 Februari 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Christmas holidays kicked off with the much anticipated arrival of Ali, Ciaron and Jesse. They looked unbelievably tired and cold upon arrival in a wet and gloomy Granada. After wandering the streets of Granada for a few days we set off on a family road trip around Andalucia that took in the town of Rhonda, a spectacular walk called the 'caminito del rey' and a bike ride along the 'via verde de la sierra' near Olvera. The sun shined for us and the countryside was beautiful rolling hills and olive groves.Baca lagi

  • Hari 191

    Family Road Trip - Part 2

    12 Februari 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Our next stop was a cliff top house overlooking Strait of Gibraltar near the beachside town and kitesurfing hub of Tarifa. The kids spent a day rolling down the sand dunes at Punta Paloma beach before we boarded a ferry to Tangier in Morocco. All my preparation for our 2 day trip to Morocco went out the window when our trusty guide did not meet us at the port. But in true Morocco style there were 100 other tourist guides ready to take his place. We ended up on our feet with a great guide, nice walking tour of Tangier, an authentic Moroccan lunch and a comfortable ride to the 'blue city' of Chefchaouen, 2 hours away. Chefchaouen lived up to its reputation as a relaxed and picturesque town and the kids were well entertained by all the weird and wonderful things and people you see in a developing country.Baca lagi

  • Hari 192

    La Nieve

    13 Februari 2018, Sepanyol ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    They tell me it doesn't always snow in Granada but so far this winter we have had two snowfalls which has provided more than enough snow for a snowball fight and a snowman. After looking at the snow on the mountains all winter we finally got ourselves organised for a ski trip for Max's 8th birthday. It only took the boys a few hours on skis to be able to handle the slopes. Tom's approach was very much speed down as fast as you can and hope for the best - it usually worked out. Max, instinctively more cautious, was able to incorporate some turns into his runs. Ivy was happy with tobogganing, donuts and snowballs. Skis for her next time!Baca lagi