  • Dia 55

    Rabbit island

    16 de novembro de 2014, Camboja ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    This is pretty much how a tropical paradise is supposed to look like. Admittedly, the sand could've been a bit whiter and the water more turquoise. But still we had a great day relaxing on rabbit island. Got up, took a boat, had breakfast on the island. Insanely good cheese omelette. Then we spent the whole day lying in hammocks (you can actually see Claire in her hammock on pic no. 2), reading and sleeping on a calm and not crowded beach. No stone building around, only huts... And in between - just for good measure - we got a 60 minute Khmer massage for 5 USD on the beach. And boy did they get to work on our sore muscles. No oil but best massage so far! They only work on pressure points, which sometimes was making Claire think of a big cat preparing the lap on which it wants to get comfortable. And of course a couple of beers in the end. View from the bar is pic no. 3.

    Great day, veeeeeeeeery relaxing!

    After returning we had decent cake in a cafe owned by an American couple. They were reallynice and working with victims of human trafficking. But they were also hardcore republicans actually believing that Obama is a Muslim and therefore a lesser person. Kinda sending mixed signals those 2 ;).
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