Ellen’s Asian Adventure🌏🍜🐘

September 2024 - March 2025
An open-ended adventure by Ellen Read more
Currently traveling
  • 62footprints
  • 172days
  • 987photos
  • 113likes
List of countries
  • Sri Lanka
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • England
Around the world, Backpacking, Beach, Culture, Hiking, Solo travel, Spirituality, Tours, Yoga
  • 37.8kkilometers traveled
  • Flight15.4kkilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 62footprints
  • 172days
  • 987photos
  • 113likes
  • 37.8kkilometers
  • 15.4kkilometers
  • Day 61

    Spice Gardens, Spirits & Sunbathing🪴🍜☕️🌺

    November 22, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Morning everyone and welcome to day 61! 👋

    Had a nice chilled morning today, left the hotel about 9ish and headed to a spice garden🪴, our guide was so sweet!
    Headed for lunch in Kandy at a Roti bar, can’t lie I was a bit disappointed 4/10 from me🥲.

    Headed to a super famous Buddhist attraction in Kandy - Temple of the Tooth, which is said to have been home to the tooth of the Buddha. We laid some pretty flowers down to pay our respects🌸🌺.

    Headed to our fab hotel for the night, and chilled on the rooftop with the girls with iced coffees🧋! Bed and rooms are incred!!

    Made our way to dinner at a lovely local hotel, had one of the best meals I’ve had since I’ve been away, these were the best beef noodles I’ve ever had🍜. Had brownie and ice cream for desert😍😍, such a fun meal with the group. Finished the day with a face time to Jabsy. This has got to be one of my favourite days of my travels so far. Ready for another day tomorrow! Xox
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  • Day 60

    Hiking, Village Life and Ice Creams! 🪨🥥🍨

    November 21, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    Hey guys it’s day 60!! That means I’ve now been away for two whole months! 🫶

    Wasn’t feeling to well today🤒 so really debated whether to get up and do the hike or give it a miss. I am so so happy I decided to stick with it and do the hike because this has got to be one of my highlights from Sri Lanka😍.

    Woke up and tucked into a huge buffet breakfast, got into the bus for a quick ride before stopping at a view point.
    We headed for the foot of Pidurangala Rock this incredible rock tower🪨. It was mainly steps until we were literally scrambling, climbing up these rocks. There were a few injuries among the group 🙈.

    Got to the top - look at the view! Headed back down for an ice lolly at the bottom🍦. Got into our new mode of transport before heading to a mystery location👻.

    We arrived at a huge pond filled with loads of wild birds, with three small boats waiting for us - it was our job to paddle to lunch🥵🛶. Arrived at the small village where we were shown how to make coconut sambal and rotis🥥, followed by a weaving lesson🌴 - this is how they make roofs in Sri Lanka.

    Arrived back at the hotel - there is the humongous pool🏊‍♀️. Got changed with Candy bunny and headed to a local hotel for a banquet. Check out my very brown up dessert😭🍨.
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  • Day 59

    Temples, Traveling & Tuk Tuk Tours 🙏🛺🧳

    November 20, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Hello everyone it’s day 59! 👋

    It’s the first full day of our trip round Sri Lanka. 🥳Me and Soph packed up our bags early doors and headed downstairs for brekkie. I had a very interesting interpretation of a full English breakfast🍳.

    Headed out with the gang on our Tuk Tuk tour of Negombo where our first stop was a temple, where we were all blessed 🫶. Check out our Alvin and the Chipmunks themed Tuk Tuk 🐿🥹. Headed to a local market to check out the local produce, then tucked in to our traditional Sri Lankan lunch (I am so done with lentil daal now😭). Got on our bus for a 3 hour journey to Sigiria where we will be hiking tomorrow.

    Checked into our gorgeous hotel where we will be for the next few night, absolutely stunning here. It has the biggest pool I have ever seen 😍. Went crazy at the buffet dinner tonight, followed by games and cider with the group🍺. Such a fun chilled day💕.
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  • Day 58

    Visas, Busses & Prawn Massalas🚍📑🍤🥘

    November 19, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

    Hello Everyone again!! Soz for the delay 🤭 Welcome to day 58!

    Kickstarted the day with an early wake up in Ahangama before checking out of the hostel 👋. Walked over the railway one last time and hopped on a tuk tuk to Welingama bus station - quite the experience!!

    Somehow managed to get on the right bus to Colombo😎 - a 4 hour journey at the cost of £1.35 what a bargain. After some incredibly nauseating hours passing we arrived in the capital Colombo where I hopped into another tuk tuk 🛺 heading for the Immigration centre (I need to get my visa extended as I am staying in Sri Lanka for over 30 days🇱🇰).

    Got to the craziest, most confusing office where I joined queue for my Visa. After a stressful 4 hour long wait I got my visa extension 🥳🥳🥳.

    Headed in another tuk tuk (it’s been a long day) to get to Negombo to join my trip! My driver was a legend🫶. Met my roomie Sophie and the rest of the crew and headed to Lordes for an unreal prawn masala 🍤. Got back to the hotel and headed straight to sleep! 😘
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  • Day 57

    Backpacker Breakfasts & Beaches🍜🏝🐚

    November 18, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Hello guys it’s day 57!!

    Had a crazy long lie in today (don’t think I was up before midday!)🤣 Woke up and headed to the kitchen to make my breakfast consisting of an iced coffee and pot noodle.

    Chilled for a bit longer in bed as I’m still not feeling too good. ☹️ Decided I couldn’t spend the whole day in bed and got up for a lovely long walk through Ahangama, spotted some incredible beaches along the way 🌊.

    Arrived at the local cafe, Mr Sunils Roti Cafe??? And was greeted by the cutest little family🥰. I had a mango juice and cheese and egg roti, super simple as I’ve got a bit of a bad tummy🫣😭.

    Sat and watched the sunset, think this could be the most stunning view of any restaurant I’ve ever been in, it was so peaceful.

    Walked back home, to work out home I was getting to Colombo tomorrow. Girls in the hostel were so helpful! 😇.

    Off to bed for an early start tomorrow! 💛
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  • Day 56

    Avo Toast & Ahangama 🥑🚗🏏🌵

    November 17, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Well hello everyone! Welcome to day 56!

    Woke up in my hostel on this beautiful morning and slept like a babyyy👶🏼. Headed into Ahangama for a little explore, will still never get over the fish and meat markets in Asia🐟.

    Headed to Cactus🌵for a boujee brunch. Genuinely think this could be the most aesthetic cafe I have ever been to!

    Headed back via the shops and managed to find Dad this Sri Lanka Cricket top I think he’ll like🏏. Headed back to chill at the hostel, alongside some Visa stress obviously😓. Luckily the owner of the hostel managed to help me phew!

    Had a FaceTime with silly Jabsy boy, before heading out for dinner. Meal for one again!! Got some cinnamon tea 🫖 as I’m still not feeling great - think I picked up something off the kids.

    Headed to the supermarket to get some bits and bobs for tomorrow🛒. Back for another early ish night! Xoxo
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  • Day 55

    Sandwiches and Solo Travels 🍕🥪🛺⭐️

    November 16, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to day 55🫶🏼

    Had a wonderful chilled morning consisting of tik tok and packing before heading for my final breakfast. Obviously there was a power cut so couldn’t have my friend eggs on toast, but instead had it as a sarnie it was unreal 🍳🥪!

    Went back to the room for some more packing, before my final meal alongside final goodbyes to some of the girls🥹. Checked out of my room and headed my tuk tuk to Ahangama.

    Arrived at my wonderful hostel which is home for the next three nights🏡, such chilled vibes here. Got recommended this pizza restaurant - Crust 🍕so took a stroll into town for a chicken and sweetcorn pizza🌽. It was a Saturday night so super fun and lively!

    Shock - I wasn’t feeling well so headed back home for an early ish night🤒. Ready for more adventures tomorrow!! 🤍
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  • Day 54

    …And Then There Were 4 🍫🍝☔️🫖

    November 15, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Morning Guys,

    It’s day 54! 👋🏼

    Said by to Enna first thing this morning as the girls were off on a long weekend trip🥲. Went back to sleep then woke up for a nice chilled solo morning, felt very strange!

    Admiring the view from our dining room as it was one of my last mornings🌴. It was raining today and all my washing was soaked through! Did some packing before heading to meet the girls in Koha again for a brownie that I was told I had to try before I left. 🍫

    Love how chilled the vibe is off this restaurant, fully stretched out🙆‍♀️. Headed back home for spaghetti for dins🍝. Helped Anika pack her bags to go home💔, and then our final film night, watched my favourite - How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days (my second time in 2 days)😎. Walked back home and headed to bed with Candy for the final time here😭. Goodnighttt🌙⭐️
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  • Day 53

    Hangovers & Hamburgers 😵‍💫🍔💄🍝

    November 14, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Hey Everyone welcome to day 53!👋🏼

    Woke up in time for a quick brekkie, only me and Pauline made it today💪, what troopers we are🫡. Massive plate today. Went back to bed before waking up just in time for lunch🍝.

    Went back to bed for more sleeping and Tik Tok time. Got ready for my last meal with all of the girls on the balcony watching one of my final sunsets🌅💄. Quick FaceTime with Silly Jabsy Boy🫶🏼🦖before heading out to Koha - our fave, for a burger and coke🍔 managed to spill mayo down my trousers obviously!! Walked home and said bye to some of the girls, and got my last photo with the group and Enna (spot my sunglass sunburn lines) which was soooo sad. 👋🏼

    Got this adorable message from Emmy girl with Bobs 🥹🧸.

    Night everyone💛💛💛.
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  • Day 52

    Beer Pong, Police Stops & Partying🏓💛🪩🚨

    November 13, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Hey everyone it’s day 52!👋🏼

    Spent the day chilling as it was General Election Day in Sri Lanka. I have no photos from the daytime today so I’m not actually too sure what I did😂.

    Had dinner with the girls then we decided to head out in Unawatuna!🥂Headed to the Black and White Bar for drinkiesss. Pauline doing her Dualinguo in the bar🇪🇸😭. Got invited by our new friends to play Beer Pong, obviously got it in first time 😎. We were drinking skinny bitches and they were super strong 🍸so I ended up getting carried away and after saying I wouldn’t go to the club, I was obviously a pushover and gave into the girls🤡. Got in the tuk tuk to Mirissa, which in turn was pulled over by the police for speeding👮‍♂️🚨 eventually arrived at a very cool beach club. 🪩

    As the night went on we got the munchies so ordered chips in the club🍟. Got the tuk tuk back home about 4am it was freezinggg! Straight to sleep for meeee xoxo
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