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  • Day 3

    Day 2 complete

    September 18, 2023 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Some of my favourite purchases from Shibuya and Harajuku. A Pokemon themed Rubik's cube (could that BE any more Luke?), and my Harajuku Skechers that you can only find in Harajuku.

    Back home for a quick power nap before dinner. On the way to dinner, we stopped at a shop called Daiso which is the Japanese version of a $2 shop. Picked up some cooling pads and a cooling spray for our big day tomorrow. Walked down a nearby alley for dinner options and decided on sashimi and chicken skewers. Also available on the menu was chicken sashimi or horse meat sashimi... we did not try these 😂 dessert was mini pancake bears with choc or caramel filling from a nearby stall, then home for the night around 9:30pm.

    Very tired but very excited for tomorrow.

    Up next....

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