My time of freedom

lokakuuta 2016 - helmikuuta 2017
101-päiväinen seikkaillu — Sophie Lue lisää
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    My first time in the jungle

    8. tammikuuta 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    After being hosted by this beautiful family in Tena, which my mother organized for me, I went to the little "pueblo" beside the jungle, called Misahualli.
    There I slept in the house of the father of my host before. By luck, I could organize with my friend from Cuba, that she'll come as well and we will go together discovering the jungle.
    So we organized a one night trip with a guide. The next day we got up early and tried to figure out what we need to pack! 😄
    So then it started, we had to walk for 6 hours trough the jungel and this in rubber boots! 😂
    But it was alright, because we made different stops, he showed us the plants, he builded a bag in only 5 minutes out of plants, he explained what to do when a snake bites you and showed us how to put the healing plants. It was incredibly interestimg and I was fascinated how much medicine it has just out there in the nature.
    The camp was beautiful, It had a lot of space and nice stuff to stay there for a while. Like a net to play volleyball or just taking a bath in the river or making a fire.
    Our guide even brought beer and we cooked all together.
    The night, for me was beautiful! As I woke up I heard the rain on the deck and on the plants, I heard animals all around me and just enjoyed this clean air. My friend Severine didn't sleep this good, but you know me, I can sleep everywhere. :P
    The other day we made, after another jungle walk and more plants experiences, fresh new chocolate and cooked another delicious meal! 😍
    To go back home, we took a boat for around 30 minutes and then a bus back to Misahualli. I was super happy about that, I could never have imagined to walk the way back... 😮
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    CANOA !

    12. tammikuuta 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Wow, this place was a dream. The first and last place I can imagine to live there. A white super long beach. The sea perfect to swim as well as surfing. The people relaxed, open and super funny. The hostels which are directly at the beach had so much charm and a looot of hamacks, you came and felt like at home. Every day I had to ask myself if it's really possible to be so happy. I "worked" in a hostel, that means, stay at the reception and have fun with the friends and tourists :P. Every day I went for hours in the water and always met someone who gave me his board to surf or bodyboard. Mostly of the other time I enjoyed the company of the workers from the hostel. One was a woman from france which lives there with her son since some years. Before more or less one year, canoa was destroyed by an earthquake. You still see and feel this huge catastrophe but I had the impression that the people are even more connected and like a big family. The french woman told me the whole story in details. I never heard and imagined an earthquake so realistic. And this woman had so many other storys to tell, I could have listened to her for hours and hours. The other girl which worked there had the same age as me but since one year she lives in Canoa with her boyfriend and is about to buy a ground to build her own home. Wow, do that with 21 years! Yeah and then I met a lot lot other people I really enjoyed to be with. I also did my second and third tattoo. I loooove them, I had the best ideas and just did it. The place inspired me, hehe. I was so sad to leave but life wanted it so.. It's crazy how I miss this place even if I know that when I would go back, it wouldn't be the same. So I'm just really thankful for this unbelievable experience!! :-)Lue lisää

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    19. tammikuuta 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Mompiche was one week doing nothing but chilling and being with the nature. I lived on the top of a house in my tent a short time with my grasshopper.
    I saw an island incredible I never saw a beach like that.
    It was a wonderful take out time! 🌞
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  • Päivä 100

    Action in the mountains

    6. helmikuuta 2017, Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Baños was great and full of adrenalin! I chose a hostel which had the view over the river and mountains. As I looked out the window I saw that they do bungee jumping from the bridge.
    So I knew immediately where to go next! :D
    Wow it was really great to jump and as the people where so impressed that I just jumped they offered me a second one but backwards! I really loved it, that feeling when you're standing on the abyss (Abgrund) and then the free fall, just amazing. 😍
    After that I staid a while on the bridge, enjoyed the screams from the falling people and talked with the "working" people. They offered me a bike day for 5 Dollars. Normally it costs 5 for the bike plus 20 for the guide. But as it is always the same that when you stay and talk you can have a lot for a lot cheaper. ;-)
    After this gain I went to the hot thermal to relax my body after so many adrenalin. But I thought it's more natural. Sadly it was like a swimming pool and fuuuull of people. So I dind't stay for a long time and went on the streets to get food. There I saw a "Swiss Restaurant", it was funny how they designed it. :P
    After the big but cheap meal I went exhausted in the bed.
    The while next day I spent on the bicycle. 🚲
    I saw a lot of nice waterfalls and drove for 20 minutes down a mountain. (Up I got with a car hehehehhe). But hey I took some hard ways which where really slippery and super steep (steil). I smutched the bike a lot. 😄
    Then I had to decide if I want to go climbing the next day or continue my travel. I thought it's better to continue and save some money. ;-)
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