• Day 8

    Q8 Contextual Factor (Round 2)

    May 15, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Again - regarding the contextual factors, talk about one and what you learned while we were in Greece that helped you understand that factor more deeply.

    Another contextual factor that I experienced during this trip was timeliness. In our Greece class, I was worried that punctuality and being on time would be a big problem that we would run into in all of our endeavors. However, it was not as bad as we made it out to be during the semester. There were a few instances where things were not on time, or places were more laid back than we expected, but I think that was one of the more exciting things we ran into in Greece. Yeah, the buses were a pain in the butt, but Mads managed to get us everywhere we needed to be (even if we had to walk for what seemed like forever in a sketchy part of Athens). As for the restaurants and getting our food on time, I thought it was nice. Maybe not so nice when we needed to be somewhere, but I enjoyed not being rushed and taking the time to sit and relax. That does not happen in the United States. I think it helps that all of the restaurants and dining areas were outside where we could enjoy nature or the breeze, but in the US, people hate waiting for their food, and I have witnessed (on multiple occasions) people walking out because they were tired of waiting. It gave us time to digest that we were in Greece and having the time of our lives. We will never get an experience like that, and I am glad that we were able to do it the way that we did.Read more