  • Dag 134

    Around Town

    15 oktober 2018, Brunei ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

    I did nothing yesterday except search for and not find an ATM. I found one today, though, just in time for lunch. It's called mee goreng, and my first bite was delicious and not so spicy that I can actually eat it. There are fried prawns and a chicken leg. Sadly, two slices of cucumber and one slice of not quite ripe tomato consitutes the salad.

    I'm walking around a little today, and I was at the beautiful mosque at noon, but my true goal is to pack for my flight in the morning...TO BALI! Have I already mentioned this?! 🦎😉

    I have to eliminate some clothing and other things I've gathered along the way or figure out a different way to pack it all. Right now, everything is spread out around the room either drying for being washed in the sink or in piles of Keep, Don't Keep, and the troublesome Maybe. The Malay hashers were almost too nice, giving me four shirts and a sarong. I gave one of them my water container from Yangon's 1600th event, but that doesn't come close to evening things out. I've given or thrown away 6 other shirts and another sarong. It adds up so quickly. Yikes!

    So long [for now] and thanks for all the fish. ✌️
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