  • Dag 85

    Daniel Boone National Forest

    12. juni 2021, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Yesterday evening cleared up somewhat, so I walked down to the HD for the evening festivities. Performing was Gary Michaels, "The Worlds [sic] ONLY Biker Comedy Hypnotist," so says his web site ( I guy I know in passing was one of the participants, and it looked like he was faking it all. I left to go listen to the band.

    Unfortunately, the storms rolled back in, which caused the band to cancel, so I went to dinner and called it an early night.

    Today, however, is beautiful and clear, so we've gone on one of the group rides twisting through Daniel Boone National Forest to our lunch stop in McKee, where we are now. We got here before everyone else though, because I was behind a Trike and a Spyder. The Spyder was across the double yellow on most turns and the trike wouldn't take a turn over 40, so when the group pulled off about 43 miles into the ride, the two of us kept going 😁. I guess I don't play well with others anymore 🤣.

    So long [for now], and thanks for all the fish! ✌️

    Day 84 mileage: 0 (total still 18651.1)
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