  • Dag 257

    Leaving the heat below

    13. maj 2018, Indien

    Cycling on nice side roads with little traffic through the countryside was beautiful - from time to time we could even see snow-covered mountains in the distance. That’s where we wanted to go to escape the heat, it was our strong motivation, at this time temperatures had already reached 45 degrees in Delhi. In the end, we were a bit surprised how fast we had climbed up to Dharamsala, respectively McLeod Ganj. Was it really our fitness level or just the heat lighting a fire under us?

    And people are somehow different since we are in Himachal, more friendly, more relaxed, more up for good conversations, not just staring at us like they did in the plains. Thus, we really enjoyed our first time camping in India, with visitors of course, but they were nice, curious and wanted to ride our bikes.

    Did we already mention that we can’t get enough of mangos, melons and bananas? Not a single day passes without buying a kilo of mangos, till our panniers burst, yummy :)
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