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  • Day 79

    Stroll on the Homer Spit

    July 20, 2021 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

    Chores done … dinner eaten. When the steady rain looked like it was going to let up, we decided to take a stroll along the Homer Spit. It continued to “spritz” but bundled up in our rain gear, it didn’t matter.

    Our goal was to stretch our legs a bit. There is a pedestrian/bike path that runs the length of the Spit, which is about 5 miles long, which is nice since there is quite a bit of traffic on the road that runs down the middle.

    We walked by the fishing hole, down to the boat harbor and beyond. Crossing the road, we stopped by the Seafarer’s Memorial and then checked out some of the shops. Then, we came to Carmen’s Gelato. Yup …. That was our second goal (or maybe it was the primary one that got us out for stroll). Yummm!
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