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  • Day 135

    ATW Event (2): Al Maha Desert Dune

    April 25, 2023 in the United Arab Emirates ⋅ 🌙 81 °F

    Part 2 of 2

    I left off part 1 of the event footprint with us getting into our 4WD vehicles and convoying the short distance to the Bedouin camp at the Al Maha Luxury Resort & Spa.

    On arrival, we were greeted by two rows of jellabiya-clad men performing an Ayallah dance, twirling guns in the air … traditionally known as an Arabic Bakhoor Welcome. Two of the men would later repeat the welcome on stage.

    Just beyond them, two rows of servers stood at the ready to welcome us with wine, bubbly, and other beverages.

    We had our pick of what we call in Turkish “yer sofrası” … which literally translates as floor table … essentially, a low-to-the-ground table with cushions for seating. In this instance, each place setting had two thick cushions, which allowed the table to be raised slightly more than usual … making sitting down and getting up easier. Off to the side were a couple of regular tables and chairs for those who were unable to get down and up easily.

    Noting the loud music coming from the speakers, we opted for a table off to the side instead of front and center. Our vehicle-mates, Doug and Mary-Jo — whom we know from RTW2017 — joined us at the 8-top table … as did friends Sonia & Boris and Younga & David. It was a fun table, though conversation was fairly restricted due to the loud music.

    After CD Ray welcomed everyone, he turned the event over to an MC … a well-known radio personality. She introduced the various performances, starting with the oud and tabla musicians. This was followed by the Tanoura performance … a dance, if you will, that apparently originated in Egypt. Our MC explained that the dancers would be twirling counter-clockwise — the opposite direction to normal blood circulation — to ensure they wouldn’t get dizzy and keel over. The final performance was what everyone — especially the men, I would venture to say — were waiting for … the belly dancers. I’ve seen a lot of belly dancers in my time and can say that these two women were not like any I’ve seen before 🤪.

    In between the performances, we ate. Each table had a set of mezes to share … the rest of the food was served buffet-style — salads and sides, a variety of meats from the grill, and desserts. (I’ve included the menu, so you can check it out if you want to get an idea of what we ate.) Beverages — wine, beer, and non-alcoholic — flowed freely … adding to the overall festive atmosphere.

    Around 9:30p, CD Ray announced that the vehicles were coming. He explained that, to avoid confusion, everyone needed to go with the same driver they came with, and in the same batch/vehicle order. Of course, a whole bunch of people didn’t like that idea and tried to get into vehicles departing earlier, which just created chaos. (I have heard tales of “vehicle owners” evicting those who tried to co-opt their vehicles.) It didn’t help that some of the vehicles missed the turn-off to the camp and had to make three-point turns on the narrow sand-road to go back. Some got stuck in the sand, further delaying the process.

    In the meantime, our batch 1/vehicle 4 was long gone. We were lucky enough to have a driver who knew how to handle the logistics. Ready at the staging area with our vehicle mates, he found and loaded us up quickly. Since the vehicles ahead of us were still waiting for some of their passengers, the dispatcher gave us the green light to go without delay.

    Sanjay, our driver — a funny guy from India, who was also quite informative on the ride out to the dessert — needed no further prompting. Off we went on a fast and furious drive, averaging 120 kph once we got on the highway. By 10:30p, we were disembarking at the cruise terminal.

    Another great RTW event — for me, personally, #2 after the Boschendal event in Cape Town and ahead of the La Rural event in Buenos Aires.

    Where will the fourth event be held? Not in Myanmar as planned since the port of call in Yangon has been canceled. We are in a holding pattern, waiting to find out further details.
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