Day 87
Southampton: A Pre-Embarkation Stroll

This being our third time in Southampton, we had no real sightseeing plans today. Having spent the majority of yesterday sitting, however, we felt that a stroll around town would not go amiss. AfterRead more
Thanks for the photo tour of Southampton, Erin! Looks like a fun place to explore, even in wintery temperatures. Wishing you a Bon Voyage on your crossing and safe and happy travels home. [Mary O. Greenberg]
Two to Travel Thank you … in Vigo today … first of three ports of call before the crossing.
Traveler I hope you have a wonderful crossing! For a future visit, taking the high speed (1/2 hour) ferry from Southampton to the Cowes/Isle of Wight is fun.…. We also really enjoyed the Titanic exhibit at the Southampton Maritime Museum.
Two to Travel We’ve done all but the Isle of Wight/Cowes … maybe next year. Enjoyed the exhibit and museum.