  • Jour 142

    A Part of My Heart Stays in Ayutthaya

    1 février 2019, Thaïlande ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Ayutthaya is located in the Central Plains of Thailand, eighty miles north of Bangkok. It is a two-in-one place: a historic city (UNESCO World Heritage Center) preserving what was the capital of Thailand from 1350-1767, and a modern city. I tried to enjoy both cities in the week I spent there.

    The historic city is truly breathtaking. Although I am not fond of tromping around ruins in glaring 96-degree F (35.5 C) heat, they are so impressive and beautiful that I was immediately smitten. I went to the National Museum of Ayutthaya first, to see the treasures which were recovered, and then to a few large portions of the historic park. The UNESCO site has a wonderful description, if you’re interested. Here’s the link:

    My Ayutthaya Airbnb property deserves a bravo. I lived in a room of a very small house in the back of a restaurant. Tom and Nick, the proprietors, were both excellent cooks and highly-interesting people. Tom, a Russian/Canadian, has a degree in East Asian Studies from Moscow University, and speaks Thai at the highest level. He and I had some very interesting conversations about the ancient capital, and the Thai language, people and customs, Nick loves cooking, and studies constantly. They are comfortably middle-aged. I ate all of my meals there (breakfast and dinner) because they cooked exactly what I wanted, with no additives, little meat, great flavors, and much imagination.

    Otherwise, I spent my days first visiting a “notable site,” then studying Thai like a maniac in welcoming air conditioned places (as I’m in another Add1Challenge) and chatting in the evenings with guests at the restaurant. Before the Burmese conquered Ayutthaya in 1767, many foreign traders came to live in the city, who were numerous enough to have their own villages. I made a special pilgrimage to the remains of the Japanese and Portuguese settlements in their honor. All in all, a wonderful week.

    Enjoy the photos!
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