En 19-dags äventyr från Lee Läs mer
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  • Dag 19

    Day 19, New York, Last Day

    19 september 2017, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    So this evening our adventure has come to an end. It's been a blast(mainly an arctic one) but we've seen places and sights we've never seen before. We've met lots of people, done lots of things, we've been spoiled and we've enjoyed ourselves.

    Check out was 12:00 noon today. Neither of us slept very well last night due to a brat balling its eyes out all night from 9 until about 6 this morning. It wasn't a baby either as it could talk and its father did nothing but shout at it all night. Not good but we don't know the circumstances.

    We were up and about, showered final packing in to the 3rd case done, bags checked in to concierge and out in a diner by 10. I had the most amazing steak and eggs, Sharon having all American pancake breakfast with no end of extras. It was a real feast and set us up for the day. We had quite a bit to fit in today, needing to be back at the hotel for 5pm for our car to the airport. The weather has been amazing considering the TV said and our phones were forecasting terrible winds and rain ☔️ I was in Shorts and a T-shirt only, woohoo.

    First stop of the day was "The High Line". A disused railway that had been turned in to a park. Literally a couple of blocks from us and quite nice. It took us out to the Hudson River and wax about a half a mile walk, lots of pretty flowers, sculptures and some great views. From there we moved on to Times Square for a cuppa and a chocolate muffin, very welcomed. We then progressed to Central Park via "The Late Show" studios. We were very pleased with ourselves how well we got ourselves around from memory having only been here once before and that was 5 years ago, we've only used public transport once and that was cos we were knackered.

    An amble around Central Park was nice and quiet and away from all the hustle and bustle, I didn't fancy a horse and cart ride as I think if they do a big shit on the way round it would stink and I don't really fancy that. So we just wandered. When we left, we did that via 5th Avenue and via the Apple shop. I kept my hands in my pocket 🙁. As we got to Trump Tower there was lots of security and road closures as Don himself was staying there !! There was a lot of activity and it was very buzzing. At this time the weather predictions became true, the heavens opened and it chucked it down, storm force winds joined in too. We couldn't complain, so we hot footed it back down to Times Square in to a Deli we know and had a sandwich and a drink, before continuing back to our hotel. We arrived like a pair of drowned rats but we were jovial.

    We got ourselves changed and our cases out and sat outside the hotel under the canopy in the rain waiting for our car. It arrived within a few minutes and we were taken to JFK to get our flight home. The traffic was horrendous, it took an hour and a half to do about 30 miles.

    So that concludes our adventure, thank you all for following and for all your messages as we've gone along. It's been difficult replying but we have read all the ones we have had a lovely time and have enjoyed sharing it with you all.

    Until next time, Au Revoir

    Love from Lee & Sharon xx
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