• Day 2

    Welcome to Russia

    August 27, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Well it’s a solid start to the trip. Taxi on time at 06:30, 20 minutes to Heathrow T5, a quick check-in then bacon rolls for breakfast in the BA lounge. Board and take off on schedule at 09:40. Settled down for a while and looked forward to lunch...... unfortunately BA thought it was too early for lunch so it was a second breakfast but with some ‘bubbles’ now.

    Arrived at St Pete’s Airport early at 13:40 local time. For some reason approaching Russian Immigration had an element of fear and trepidation (obviously seen too many films and read too many books) but all entry formalities were surprisingly undertaken without being interrogated by the secret police in a soundproofed room. In fact we were through Immigration in a world record two minutes.

    Over the next month we will be greeted by multiple drivers and guides holding up pieces of paper with our names on. In these situations there is always a bit of doubt that someone will actually be there (silent contingency planning is usually undertaken to avoid potential panic)... However, no fear, our first proper Russian, Nadiya, was there to meet us and whisk us to the Rossi Hotel in her Kia (is every other car in the world a Kia now?).

    On arrival at the hotel an exceedingly helpful doorman/concierge/bell boy named Vitaly was immediately on the scene and into the taxi boot making it abundantly clear that we weren’t allowed to touch our luggage at all as that was his job. A quick check-in and Vitaly, resplendent in his uniform of shirt, tie, waistcoat and interesting hat, was leading us to our very nice room which has a beautiful traditional Russian ceramic stove in the corner. Not that we’ll need it as its been 26°C here today! The riverside Rossi Hotel is very impressive in all respects and we are very happy here.

    Unpacked, relaxed, cup of tea, sorted out the internet, shower and ready for the first night out. Decided on a quiet one and researched some places within no more than 15 minutes walk from the hotel. Had our first Russian beers pre-dinner in the ‘Siberian Crown’ bar nearby, then a nice meal at ‘Ivan & Maria’s‘ topped off with a post-dinner nightcap at a well recommended little pub next to our hotel named ‘Top Hops’. All three establishments specialised in a large array of Russian and International draft and bottled beers which didn’t disappoint. Janet ended the day with a very apt beer named ‘J&J’ which was mandarin flavoured and weighed in at 6% whilst John closed the evening on a local 5% Milk Stout.

    Will talk more about St Petersburg soon but first impressions are very good indeed as we reflected before sleep on a surprisingly quick and stress free journey and promising start to the trip.

    After a decent sleep we awoke to the first minor issue. At lights out John heard the unmistakable sound of an angry mosquito in the room. Tiredness ensured nothing was done about this (not sure what could have been done anyway) but lo and behold the Russian bloodsucker had visited John in the night and got him in various places (ankle, elbow, back and a particularly nice one on his forehead - reminiscent of a visit to Venice on our round Europe train journey which some of you will remember!). It obviously either liked (or maybe didn’t like) Janet as she escaped bite-free. Maybe it was the mandarin in the ‘J&J’ that put her off.

    We’ve had breakfast and now await a hotel pick up from a guide who will give us a City Tour. Over the next two days we’ll get to know St Petersburg well and share it with you.
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