• Day 10

    Neuschwanstein castle!

    December 22, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    This castle was amazing. After a very long train with it’s up and downs, we had to go up a hill again, but this one was huge, took us an hour to get up, but it is completely worth it, the views are spectacular and once up close you can really see how big the castle actually is.
    Once inside we were not allowed any photos, that kinda sucked, but it’s fine, I really felt like I was paying attention and really appreciated every single carving and detail on the castle. My favorite castle for sure. Loved that it has the whole Sigurd saga depicted on the walls.
    Lastly we ate down in the town below the castle, and finally we made our 6 hour trip back to the Airbnb.
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