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  • Day 31

    WALVIS BAY, Namibia

    March 31, 2023 in Namibia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    What a change in temperature! It is a jacket day for our tour in the Namib Desert. Namibia is a unique country.

    We had a memorable off-road tour. First stop at the rusty-hued sand dunes, whose colors vary due to the iron in the sand oxidizing to darker shade. Next to Namib-Naukluft National Park and the moon landscape that is similar to the lunar surface. Lunch was at green oasis in the middle of nowhere. Another unique stop with many artifacts that were used to display plants, etc.
    For me, it is one of the most interesting plants you will ever see. The Welwitschia plant is only found in Namibia and Angola. The plant I have pictures of could be up to 500 years old. Then on to the oceanside town of Swakopmund. It would remind me of a beach town in California. The last stop was a visit to see the flamingos, 2 varieties, one has pink tones the other more white.
    The area has abt 60,000 flamingos.
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