Dream of China

mars - april 2018
Et 15-dagers eventyr av Betty Les mer
  • 18fotspor
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  • 92bilder
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  • 12,7kkilometer
  • 9,5kkilometer
  • Dag 1

    Ywg to yvr

    24. mars 2018, Canada ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    Thanks to the generosity of Willie Wiens we were able to get to the airport by 5:20 this morning. That gave us lots of time to get through security, since today was the first day of spring break and there were many people going to warm places. Had just enough time to get breakfast at Freshii as both Sbux and Timmies had lines half a mile long. Had a six hour layover in Vancouver during which time we walked almost 5 miles in anticipation of our next flight of 11 hours. Now that we’re actually on our way, it feels more real and the excitement is building.Les mer

  • Dag 2


    25. mars 2018, Canada ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

    To YWG by 5:20 am thanks to Willie’s generous taxi service. Uneventful flight to Vancouver where it is raining cats and dogs. Have spent 3.5 hours walking the in the airport already and have walked 9500 steps. Shared a Stromboli and Caesar salad for lunch and will walk for a bit before we head to our gate at 1 pmLes mer

  • Dag 3

    Beijing riverside hotel

    26. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    After a good flight with surprisingly good airplane food, we arrived at Beijing airport. Though the airplane touched down at 3:50 pm, because the airport is so big, we finally got on our bus at 5:30. The immigration line and customs lines are very efficient and move the thousands of people and their luggage with ease. We were met by a Sinorama guide named Risa who will stay with us for the whole
    Two weeks. The hotel is on the opposite side of the city from the airport so the drive took 90 minutes even though it was a Sunday evening. We met our tour mates who are all Canadian and will add a couple of Australians tomorrow. Beautiful hotel and room and after a bit of preparing for tomorrow’s busy day, the pillow beckoned. No Facebook or Instagram here so if you have made an account on FindPenguins this will be the only place you will be able to follow our travels.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Summer Palace and the Great Wall

    26. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    We have been on the road and on our feet for 13 hours today. My Fitbit says I walked over 17,000 steps. We visited these two places today because the Forbidden City is closed on Mondays. We will go there tomorrow as well as Tiananmen Square. The Summer Palace was a favourite of the Empress nicknamed the Dragon Lady because she positioned herself as the power behind the throne after she was the only concubine to produce a son for the Emperor. Of course her husband died and her son at 9 years old became the ruler with her actually making the decisions. When her son died at 19, she appointed her sister’s son as Emperor. He was only 3! We walked along part of an outdoor corridor that is 750m long. The mountains provide a beautiful backdrop for this extravagant site. Next we were driven to a restaurant that seats about 1000 people. It is the closest restaurant to the Great Wall that is any good. We walked up to the first lookout tower that Vic’s Fitbit says is 500 feet above our starting point. The steps are very uneven and I was glad to have taken my mom’s walking sticks along. Going up was easier than going down as sometimes the step was two feet tall. No wonder it is one of the ancient wonders of the world. We went to the downtown shopping district where they have stores like Prada and 7/11 and Armani and an alley where you can find snacks like fried scorpion and candies fruit and sausages and shrimp. It was suggested that we not eat the street food as our guide wanted us to remain healthy. Good thing we had rewarded ourselves with an ice cream because dinner wasn’t until 7:30. Once again it was eight to ten dishes served on a lazy Susan with white rice and a flavourless consommé. Real Chinese food is certainly less flavourful from what we are used to eating at home. The drive home was past Tiananmen Square at night with a large police presence. Downtown Beijing buildings are lit up like it was Christmas. Looking forward to a great night’s sleep.Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, Te

    27. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ 🌫 20 °C

    This morning we were supposed to go to the Temple
    Of Heaven but found out when we got there that there was a visiting dignitary (rumour has it that it was North Korean leader Kim Jung Un),so the main building was closed to other visitors until at least noon. Therefore we drove to Tiananmen Square, observed the huge crowds and took pictures of the military without their knowledge. Also took a group photo and ordered a book of Beijing highlights that will also include our group photo $20. Lunch just adjacent to Tiananmen Square after which we walked the length of the square again to the Forbidden City. Spent 2.5 hours in the Forbidden City, walking through six Gates from beginning to end and visiting the concubines’ residence in between. Had to wait for our bus for quite some time as there was some traffic issue. Fortunately, we got to Temple Of Heaven exactly at 4 pm, the last possible time for entry into the attraction. Our tour guide jumped off the bus and ran to the ticket wicket sad got our tickets in time. This place is where the Emperor would worship twice a year and offer sacrifices to the god of harvest. It has been rebuilt a number of times as it is wooden and has burned a few times. Back on the bus for another hour ride to the tea house where we had a tea ceremony and the opportunity to purchase tea. Back on the bus to our restaurant for the evening. It was Sichuan and the highlight was Peking duck. Everyone said it was the best meal to date. Risa provided information about tomorrow’s travel plans but I was sleeping. The one hour ride back to the hotel always puts me to sleep, especially as we are still experiencing jet lag.Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Last day in Beijing & flight to Shanghai

    28. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ 🌫 22 °C

    Today we packed our belongings, had breakfast and were on the bus by 8 am as usual. Our only scheduled stop was at the Fresh Water Pearl shop where we learned about the various grades of pearls and how sea pearls and freshwater pearls are different. Of course the highest quality are the most beautiful but at over $600 for a black pearl necklace I felt I could look at a lower quality that would be I st as beautiful. Vic shopped with me and we found a beautiful black pearl necklace at a good price and the purchase was made. Happy Anniversary! Because we had a bit of time we were able to stop at Olympic Park the site of the 2008 Olympic Games. We walked to the bird’s nest stadium and the water cube (swimming venue) then made our way back through very hard harmful air quality. Our lunch was in The minority cultural area at a Tibetan restaurant. Half an hour later we arrived at the airport for our 2:50 flight. Through security with ease though theI swabbed both of our belongings as we entered the airport and patted us down as we entered he secure area. Better safe than sorry. Two hour flight to Shanghai during which they served a cardboard box with a white bun, butter, two slices of a very garlicky sausage with lettuce, four pieces of canteloupe and a muffin.

    Shanghai is a city of 24 million people, row after row of high rise apartments and many layers of highways.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6


    29. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Our tour left at 7:30 this morning after a good sleep. We seem to be getting used to the time change. South China is known for its silk and textile production.

    We walked along the Bund, a boardwalk along the river where we saw a HAL ship and many barges moving goods. Beautiful flowers grew on the side of a wall and the architecture is unique.

    Approximately 40 miles from Shanghai is a large mulberry growing area so they have a silk centre here. They described how a silkworm grows and produces a cocoon, how they are harvested and how the silk is extracted from the cocoon. Then, of. Israel, we had time to shop. Silk duvets of medium weight for queen or king sized are $200. Duvet covers and sheet sets, etc can be upwards of $800. They will ship your purchase home for you by DHL; ship to your last destination in China for you to take home on your own at no charge or you can take it yourself. They compress a duvet and two pillows to the size of a small briefcase. We bought a scarf and two pairs of boxer shorts for sleeping.

    Lunch followed by a visit to a silk embroidery shop that also made silk rugs. So much beauty! We got a small blue and white picture of flowers and a bird.

    The Shanghai Museum was next with visits to the bronze gallery, the pneumismatic gallery, furniture, ceramics, clothing and calligraphy galleries. Then a stop at Nanjing Road, the centre of commerce (shopping). We walked the one km pedestrian street and spent the last of our time enjoying a well-deserved margarita before meeting our guides at 4:30.

    An early dinner followed complete with duck and steamed buns with pork belly and our favourite noodles. A brief (30 minute) bus ride brought us to the Acrobatic show similar to Cirque du Soleil. Very well presented. Looking forward to a quiet day tomorrow as we will have the day free until we leave for the airport.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Last day in Shanghai

    30. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Since we didn’t have to set an alarm we thought we would be able to sleep in. No such luck. I was awake at 4:30 and Vic by 6. Packed the last of our belongings and went down for breakfast by 7:30. Enjoyed a noodle bowl for breakfast with cappuccino and a little chocolate croissant. What a life! Walked to Jiading Old Town and bought two oranges. So good! Came back to the hotel and shared a burger and fries. Nice to eat western food for a change.

    We boarded the bus at 2:30 in order to get to the Pudong airport in time for our 7:20 flight. Traffic was good so arrived by 4. We received a Subway sandwich, two chicken wings and ‘American Classic flavour’ chips for our dinner and waited. So much fog that at least 5 flights were delayed. We boarded on time but then waited in line to take off for over two hours, arriving at Yichang after 11:30. Made it to the ship by 1:15 am

    Ships are parked four abreast so had to walk through one to get to our ship. Walking surface is very wet due to humidity so footing was treacherous.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Yangtze river cruise

    31. mars 2018, Kina ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Arrived Here very late last night. Thankful for the fact that we remain more to here till the end of today. There are included excursions each day on this cruise, and you are also able to purchase optional Cruises. Breakfast begins at 6:30 with music piped through Speakers in your room followed by announcements in Chinese, English, French and German. If you aren’t up by now, you may miss breakfast as it is only served between 6:30 and 7:30.

    Free wifi in the lobby of the ship though you can purchase a package for your room. Photos of this ship do not show the wear and tear on the furniture and carpets. Public area carpets are clean and in good shape but the room carpets could use a very intense cleaning.

    Attended a Chinese medicine talk where Vic received acupuncture for his sore throat and Carolynne received acupuncture, cupping and massage for her sore knee.

    Wandered the ship, checking out the shops and lounge areas.

    Hand washed laundry as it costs $1 to wash a pair of socks. A little too much for my budget.

    Visited the Three Gorges Dam, the largest Hydro-electric dam in The world. Back to the hotel in time got a quick shower before dinner and the captain’s welcome reception which included sparkling wine and dancing.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Goddess Stream from Wushan

    1. april 2018, Kina ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    The included excursion took us to Goddess Stream, one hour by ferry then 1.5 hour by small 30-seat boat, floating past Palm Peak and Shangsheng Peak. We were able to get a photo of Goddess Peak on the way back as the clouds dispersed and blue sky appeared.

    Now having trouble with wifi and VPN so hope that we can reconnect later. Aaaand we’re back. Probably difficult to connect due to the high mountains.
    Les mer