Go north

listopada 2022
Robyn and Trevor trip north to visit Penny & Mark, stay at Russell, Ahipara Beach, visit Cape Reinga and meet with Bronwyn Czytaj więcej
  • 13ślady stóp
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  • 15dni
  • 71zdjęcia
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  • 946kilometry
  • Dzień 11

    Quiet day and then Whangarei

    19 listopada 2022, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. Thursday night we had Syd and Annie over for a catchup - some wine and fish and chips. Then over night it rained and was still raining in the morning - by mid morning the rain had cleared and we decided to take a walk at our beach. It was low tide and we checked out the rock pools and talked to some of the locals.
    We had lunch and had an early afternoon coffee downtown which was closing at 2 - then we drove north of town to a beach known as Shipwreck Bay - a really nice beach and we wandered around to a rocky point, took some photos.
    This holiday has provided great opportunities to take photos.
    Today we checked out of our house - the sky was like every other day at Ahipara - billowing clouds, blue skies and warm temperatures.
    Stopped off at Mangonui - "Little Kitchen" - best coffee in Northland - as we were leaving there was some excitement near the roadside wharf and we went to see and there were Orca's - 5 in total and the locals were saying they were feeding off the Rays.
    Set off for Whangarei, with a plan to stop in Kawakawa for lunch and a street wander, but it was poring rain when we got there and decided to keep going.
    Met Penny and Mark at a Tavern around the harbour bays - had a pizza and a beer and drove a few km to our house.
    So we are here for a few days - sitting in the lounge looking out over the harbour - peaceful and warm. We are 500m as the crow flies to the Whangarei airport - but no noise!
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  • Dzień 13

    Exploring some beaches

    21 listopada 2022, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We decided today to get in the car and check out some beaches around Tutakaka. As we left Whangarei we saw the sign for the Whangarei Falls and decided to see them - and pleased that we did as they are quite beautiful. Mark and I took the walk down through the tree and bush walk - lots of view points for the falls. Very photogenic.
    Then continued onto the windy roads stopping at Tutakaka - a place that Jude and Hans Dresel stayed often.
    Decided to have lunch at a cafe - Snapper Rock - we had not long ordered lunch when there was a downpour and all those diners outside rushed inside.
    We had a nice lunch - snapper tacos for Mum and I - good coffee there too.
    We continued further around the beaches stopping to wander around some beautiful bays.
    Then back home. For dinner we visited Bronwyn Ward and Simon was there too. It was a super evening and caught up on all of their news and other Ward news. Bronwyn is retiring in a 12 months time and she has been doing up her lovely house.
    Today we decided to go our separate ways - Mum and I went to see the Hundertwasser centre and we so enjoyed it. Spent a lot of time seeing the exhibits and hearing about the man - this included a 20 minute video that included him talking about his creations, his love of colour and spirals - time on his boat and in Vienna - New Zealand too.
    Had lunch there and wandered around the wharf - Mum checked out some shops and galleries.
    Going out tonight to spend Catherine and Curtis' voucher.
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  • Dzień 14

    2nd to last day

    22 listopada 2022, Nowa Zelandia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    So our holiday is coming to an end and today we travelled to Auckland. After breakfast we packed the cars and got on the road. Mark had suggested that we would travel via the coastal route calling in to a few more bays before Auckland. En route we heard that a weather holocaust was going to hit us and spoil our day and when we arrived for coffee at Waipu we thought it had arrived. We enjoyed our coffee and muffins and back on the road. Passed Waipu Beach, Langs Beach and stopping at Mangawhai Heads for a walk on the beach and then lunch.
    From there it was a straight run to Auckland and other than some heavy showers in places it wasn't too bad.
    So tomorrow will be a long drive and it will probably be a rainy drive and then we can see how much the garden has changed or survived.
    I have had time tonight to do the photos from the Hundertwasser building and exhibition. I have not taken or posted shots of the whole buildings exterior but chosen to take photos of the clever art elements and colours.
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