  • Día 246

    At Sea on way to South Georgia

    3 de marzo de 2020, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    Last night we had to put the clocks forward an hour so we would be on South Georgia time when we get there in 2 days time. I considered not bothering and then realised we would miss all mealtimes over the next 2 days!
    We woke this am to a grey, v foggy day where we couldn’t distinguish between the sea and sky as it was a seamless blanket of grey.
    Due to the rain it was also too wet to be outside so we just listened to the waves through the open veranda door.
    Already slightly over over-eating we decided to skip breakfast at the new 8am and headed up to the observation lounge with our books and morning coffee.
    The sea was extremely calm with a mild south westerly swell but there were no sea birds to be seen let alone any whales.
    9.30am it was back down for the first of today’s Lectures about the fur seals and elephant seals we will see on South Georgia.
    There was then a free hour before the mandatory South Georgian biosecurity meeting in the auditorium. To this we obviously had to attend instead of watching it projected onto our cabin tv where we had been watching everything else.
    Luckily this went until lunch time so after this we had a 45 sec walk to the dining room where there was a whole roasted suckling pig for lunch!
    Today we shared a table with Karina and Gary the Canadians from Vancouver who had sailed their 40ft boat down to Puerto Williams.
    After lunch it was back to the cabin for a few free hours when we watched the movie Mr Church before being called to the back deck with a whale sighting..... ? A right whale off in the distance by the time we got there despite running through the decks.
    Now at 5pm we r watching a lecture on the History of South Georgia from the cabin with half an eye out for more whale blows in the persistent grey rain and fog.
    Next it’s the days recap and briefing for tmrw where we hope to sail past South Georgia’s Shag Rocks tmrw evening if we continue the 15-16 knot speed.
    After this it will be dinner with another 5 course meal- god help us!!
    We are all v much looking fwd to our 4 days in South Georgia once we get there.
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