  • Jour 8

    The Longest Drive

    18 décembre 2019, Maroc ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    We always knew that December 18 was going to be a shit travel day. The estimated drive time was 10-11 hours and we left Fés at 6:30am. We were to have a nice lunch stop along the way. The end of the journey was a sunset camel ride at the hotel.

    Well it is December and it can snow on the Atlas Mountains. (Who knew?) The day before they shut down the roads over the mountain range because of heavy snowfall. We left at 6:30 hoping the roads would be open by the time we got there. They were not. 2 roads both closed. We got coffee and got in the line. The wait was not too bad. I watched the last 30 minutes of Bridgette Jones and we were off slowly after that. It was slow moving as traffic was backed up and there were no double lanes. We were doing well until another closure.

    At one point we were 2 hours behind schedule, which is usually not a big deal. However we were schedule to watch the sunset on camels so we had a window.

    With limited stops, eating lunch quickly, everyone holding their bladder and a crazy driver we made it! There were a few moments on the windy roads where I thought we may die but obviously we did not.

    The drive was pretty spectacular. We went from snowy mountain town, to what looked liked the drive from Vegas to Phoenix, to parts that had shale rock, to super flat and desert like, to lakes and rivers and valley and trees. It was pretty cool to see so much in what is really not that long of a distance.

    The coolest scenery of the day was driving to the edge of the desert. The dunes do not look real. Like a painting. As of right now they are the highlight of the trip.
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