  • Dag 14

    Christmas Eve

    24. december 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We started Christmas Eve off with a walking food tour which was amazing. The first stop was at a bread shop that has been making bread the same way for hundreds of years. It was delightful. Then we were off to a chocolate and macrons shop. Followed by Moroccan food, which we had a laugh at, but it was legit. There was a Jewish meat bun, an Israeli French dessert, French onion soup and finished off with wine. It was perhaps the best 4 hours of my life.

    Then Ty and I were off to find a chrome cast so we could watch Christmas movies. We have several of them at home but forgot to bring them. We found a mall with an electronics store with ease.

    For Christmas Eve we went up to the Montmartre area for dinner and Christmas music at Sacré-Cœur Basilica. This would have been an easy journey If the trains were all running. We ran to the metro station in hopes to make it before 6:30 as the google told us the line was open. Well it was not. Then we tried getting an Uber only to have one cancel on us. By the time we got to the restaurant we felt pretty defeated.

    Thankfully the restaurant was warm and cozy. We had a 3 course meal which contain all yummy French food. The Christmas music at the church was moving and the church itself was amazing. We then head back to the flat for a night cap.
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