  • Dag 101

    Hiking to the summit of Acatenango

    25. september 2017, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Woke up at 3:30am and we started to hike up to the summit of Acatenango. It was raining and the path was a bit slippery. After walking about 1.5hours we made it to the top. It was very cloudy so we couldn’t see much unfortunately. We then headed back down where the scenery was quite stunning. Back at camp we had breakfast around the campfire while Volcano Fuego was still roaring.
    We packed up everything including the tents and headed back down. It rained the whole way down and was very slippery in parts. Once down we were transported back to Antigua.
    I took myself out for a big tofu taco lunch and turmeric, pineapple and banana smoothie. I then went to the dentist where they said I had really bad decay and needed a root canal. I got a filling instead and it was quite cheap for the procedure being less than $80.
    I was so tired after and had a numb mouth so talked to Mum and then ate spaghetti bolognese for dinner with wine. Bryan the tour guide from G Adventures was at the same hostel so hung out with him a bit before going to bed very tired.
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