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  • Jour 5

    Bourges Day 4 at Tours

    18 avril, France

    Started with a quiet train ride from Bourges to Tours. Thankfully, the weather is more cooperative today, with sun and less wind. After arriving at the Belle Époque era station, we walked across the street to the visitor center and grabbed some basic information. Then we headed to our lunch destination of La Table de Justine. A perfect small French restaurant off the pleasant Place de le Résistance, the waiter was friendly and attentive, the atmosphere congenial and the food excellent. We both had the steak.
    More than 6 miles of walking brought us to see the old medieval part of town, which, of what remains is very well preserved. We also went to the large city market, Les Halles with it's fabulous displays of mostly butcher shops, but certainly other food items are found there, too. We toured the Basilica of St. Martin of Tours, a beautiful 20th century building. Not oppulant, but very grand. A quick walk away we, walked along the River Loire, which was quite high with spring rains. Then off to visit the main cathedral. Built from the 1100s to 1500s, this imposing church is more decorated than the Basilica, but still very dark. Lots of windows dating from the 12 and 1300s. Got to hear the organ being played which sounded quite nice, regardless of some of the pipes being noticably out of tune.
    All in all, a good day. We returned to Bourges without being frozen, which is a trip highlight.
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