  • Hari 3

    Share(ing) Service

    11 Mei 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    (3) Describe one act of a servant leader that you have witnessed in Philadelphia.
    Mentioned in another footprint was the way Carly helped me at Share Food, putting cereal into the boxes for me when I got behind. Had Carly not been putting cereal in the boxes for me when I needed it and encouraging me when she could see I was getting anxious, I would have become frustrated and negative.
    What’s interesting about Carly’s helping me was that she had a job to do too – she had to put cans of tuna in the boxes. It wasn’t as if she was lying back, waiting for me need help; instead, she saw a need, rearranged her priorities, and still got the job done.
    A servant leader is outward looking. She doesn’t let her own needs trump another’s, but finds a way to help those in need while still accomplishing what she needs to do. A servant leader notices when someone needs help, and she steps in the second she notices. Carly wasn’t helping me out of frustration or impatience, but out of selflessness.
    A servant leader recognizes the needs of others and adjusts to the situation. Carly could have gotten annoyed at my slow pace, but she helped me, and together we accomplished more. Plans change, roadblocks arise, and problems grow, but a servant leader is adaptable, able to adjust herself to the situation. A servant leader isn’t helping to be thanked, but to finish what needs to happen. Carly’s way of helping was putting two cereal boxes in a box with juice – but she taught me something at the same time.

    Leadership just finished up their work at Share Foods! We packed 1501 boxes of food for senior citizens to eat when they get the munchies/want a meal. It was hard work but so worth it! I was impressed with my team's efficiency and teamwork. Featured in these pics is my lunch - General Tso's chicken from a delish little Chinese restaurant without seats or tables!

    CORRECTION: Aidan let us know it was actually 1401, still proud though!
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