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  • Day 11

    Day 11 - Kuta

    April 26, 2023 in Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    After a heavy night we decided to have a lazy morning by the pool. I joined in on aqua fit while Roy chilled on a pool bean bag. The sun can get very intense so there was plenty of time spent in and out of the pool.

    At 2pm we went to play bingo and I won a line! My prize was a bottle of bintang but I couldn't quite face it yet so in our fridge it went. We got up to the room, showered and then both had an hour and a half nap. It was my first nap of the hol (Roy's 27th) so I must've needed it.

    It was choice for tea tonight and there was no question about it. We were getting a McDonald's. So we got a grab car and headed down to Kuta. In the car ride we finally got chance to look through all our wedding photos. It made us quite emotional to be reminded of such a special day. There were some really lovely pics and what was most important to us is that all our family and friends looked happy, proud and like they were having the best time. I know there's memories of that day that will stay with me forever.

    At the moment in Bali there's a national holiday so traffic is super busy everywhere. We got sick of waiting in the jam and decided to get out and walk. We headed straight to Kuta beach to watch the sunset. While we've not seen a completely cloud-free sunset, theyve still been all beautiful and make me a bit home-sick for Morecambe bay. Though one things for sure, the temperature is a lot warmer here, even at night time it's still in the 20s!

    Once the sun had set we headed to McDonald's, as always in any McDonald's in any part of the world it was busy. We queued for the electronic ordering which is an absolute godsend when you change the language to English. I order a chicken sharebox (all to myself yes) which consisted of 5 chicken fingers, 6 spicy chicken balls and fries. I then added a pot of sweetcorn. I wish that uk McDonald's gave that option, I know two little girls who would be ordering it every time! Roy when for a boring big mac meal but then added 4 soy garlic chicken wings. He wasnt overly impressed with them. One thing we have noticed over here is that it is so hard to get zero sugar drinks, even the McDonald's didn't do them! Weve only been able to find cans of coke zero in shops, they don't do it in large bottles or any other kind of drinks.

    After McDonald's we headed to the boardwalk shopping centre - Roy was in his element again with all sorts of sport wear & designer shops. However he didn't buy anything which was a shock! The shopping centers round here are beautiful too with lovely light displays and ponds filled with fish.

    We took a long walk home to explore the place and check out all the market/trinket shops. Though you don't get hassled to go into shops one thing you constantly here is 'bike, bike, you want ride' or 'yes taxi boss man' or 'massage'. After 40 mins walking Roy was getting tired so we decided to stop and get a 30 min neck, shoulder & back massage. It was the best massage we've ever had. The woman cracked my back in 4 different places and really worked on my shoulders, telling me I had lots of knots. (I'm a tense, stressed gal) It was great and at only £3.50 each who can complain!

    The massage gave us the energy to walk the other 20 mins. I've been proud of Roy this holiday, seeing as I don't have my dad as my walking buddy, he's been filling in and walking everywhere with me. Doing an average of 18,000 a day. I doubt it will last when we get back to the UK though!
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