• Day 51

    Exploring Jiufen

    November 19, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Nice leisurely start of 9am. We had breakfast included which was probably the most butter loaded croissant I've ever had, plus a slab of bacon to wash it down with. Heart attack central.
    Drove down toward the coast. Did a short stop at an unplanned temple stop. Amazing place with 7 floors of gold decorated rooms. We managed to lose Hannah and Curly on the way round.
    The roof was covered in dragons and fighting men. Down to the coast after that to see the golden waterfalls and some sandstone rock features next to massive surf. Walked through a forest and up to a headland to see some panoramic views of the sea and a multicolored military base.
    Narrowly avoided paying 100 pounds for some lobster and ormer lunch. We thought it was going to be about a 10th of that.
    Drove up the road back to our village and went straight out to the old street.
    Found a lovely place for tea and nibbles. We had to add small dried tea leaves to a pot, which expanded to about 50 times their size. The green tea made us all feel spaced out.
    Fully spaced out we found somewhere for beer and dumplings, with a great view over the hills and valley.
    On the way back curly took us on a detour down a cave and found another pub at the end. Had 5 huge beers and booked a woody hotel for the next few nights.
    Picked up an Oreo waffle on the way home to share. Well tasty!
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