• Day 143

    Hand surfing with rays

    February 19, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Got up too late and did a 5 mile run. Way way to hot after 7.30 to be running. Got back and had a cold shower followed by a swim in the cold pool. After 30 mins I was finally cool.
    Met up with Andrew and co for an ice cream.
    Then had a few hours hand planing in the sea with the mask and snorkel. A few sting rays were floating around. One guy got panicked after he saw one and was shouting for everyone to get out of the water. We went in thinking he had seen a shark. 🙄.
    After that we went back to the accommodation for another swim and to do some admin in side. Was a bit too hot just to be sat in the sun.
    At 5.30 we met team Bitmead for a last supper of fish and chips before Penny and Steven leave.
    We drove into central Perth to drop the girls off for a roof top drink whilst Andrew and I watched a film about Andy Irons. Great film, well worth a watch.
    We joined the ladies after for a very expensive drink at the Aviary rooftop bar. Back home to watch some lightning over the sea.
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