  • Dia 28

    Postojnska Jama (caves) Slovenia

    7 de maio de 2018, Eslovênia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    It is in the title. Basically I can let the photos do the talking.The caves are 23km long, a little electric train takes you underground for 2km and then you walk for about 1and a half km. Extremely well maintained and lit, although they do put the lights of for effect for a short time and then you know what complete and utter darkness is. Three levels to the caves created over millions of years by an underground river constantly doubling back on itself. The final stop at a huge cavern where the river still runs was the showstopper, with millions of gallons of water crashing down and the mist full of the smell of coal. I wonder if Jules Verne had the benefit of this experience before penning "Journey to the centre of the earth". Now do staligmites go up or down?oh yes up, it's the tites that come down.Leia mais