Family Of 5 Vietnam + Cambodia

heinäkuuta - elokuuta 2023
3 weeks from the South to the North of Vietnam via Siem Reap in Cambodia Lue lisää
  • 57jalanjäljet
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  • 22päivää
  • 319valokuvat
  • 26videot
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  • Päivä 9

    Bamboo Raft and Water Wheels by Eashan

    22. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    After the water fall, we drove off in our trusty van to where we could see waterwheels and go on bamboo rafts.

    We walked over a shaky bamboo bridge which was held up by rope and iron. Then we made our way down to the riverbank passing huge mechanical wheels which were water wheels. They had pipes angled at a degree which would allow them to pick up water at the bottom and then drop it of at a bowl at the top. The bowl had a pipe at the bottom and the water would flow through it all the way to a nearby village.

    We continued past the water wheels and got onto the raft. It was very long and had a small hut in the middle with two platforms either side. On one platform was a man with a tall bamboo stick which he used to move the raft. On our way we could jump off the other platform or even have a go at driving from it.

    Matt could swim from one side to the other with one breath. All too soon we arrived back at the bamboo bridge however we were allowed to jump off the bridge into the water. We kept swimming until Millen and Eashan got pulled by the current over some rocks into a deeper part of the river.

    Millen was pushed by the stream away from the rocks, however my leg got stuck and the current pushed me under the water. I swam up as hard as I could gasping for air until two men from the bank dived in and helped me get unstuck. After that drama, we decided to call it a day and drove back for dinner.
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  • Päivä 9

    Hotpot Night by Matt

    22. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    For our final night in Pu Luong Sunny had arranged a special Northern Vietnamese dish called a hotpot. A large simmering bowl of broth is placed in the middle of the table then plates of meat, vegetables, noodles, herbs and tofu laid before you. Then you simply add what you like and once it's cooked, scoop it into your bowl and ladle over the broth. Sunny suggested squeezing some lime over salt then dipping the cooked meat into it.

    We shared this meal with Sunny and the driver, sharing a small bottle of rice wine. The driver seemed to take great delight when I downed my shot, vigorously shaking my hand and promptly refilling my glass.

    It was a fun night and a great way to share and socialise over food.
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  • Päivä 10

    Leaving Puluong to Tam Coc by Simi

    23. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Following breakfast we left the peaceful retreat of Puluong and headed 3 hours towards Tam Coc.
    We motored through and stopped for an early lunch where we were the only people there… which actually hasn’t been that unusual! It meant that we could do the touristy trying on of the farmers hats all by ourselves!

    Following a tasty lunch we headed off on two little rowing boats to some caves.

    Tam Coc is famous for its gorgeous limestone monoliths amid paddy fields . The boats were fun and super peaceful as the first cave (Thien Ha Galaxy Cave )was not discovered until 2007 because it is very small and covered by trees. The total length of the cave has 700 meter include the dry cave is 200 meter long and the wet cave is 500 meter long

    The two caves we were visiting (Thien Ha cave and Thien Thanh cave) are two natural heritages in the Trang An world heritage complex . The cave is hidden in the Tuong mountain range, a mountain in the Trang An mountain range , which is considered as a watchtower to protect the ancient Hoa Lu citadel . Thien Ha cave is a beautiful cave, including both dry and wet caves with a variety of stalactites still built. They were lit with an array of different lights which added to the wonder.. and we were also handed torches when we entered which made it feel even more adventurous!

    We saw that the cave was both a dry and water cave with , skylights and underground rivers … making this place like like you are lost in a vision of some ride at Disney.

    Entering the water cave, we were told this underground river known as the Milky Way is winding with countless beautiful shimmering stalactites and stalactites. Apparently superstition says if you are a newly wed couple and get dripped on three times… there will be a baby soon! Luckily we aren’t newly weds.. and we only got dropped on once!

    The second cave was far busier so that wasn’t quite as good but we were still stupefied by the beauty of the caves.. if a little freaked out occasionally due to the volume of bats! We must have seen approx 1000of these little flying creatures .. they were very hard to film despite them fluttering right in front of our faces!

    After our fun in boats and caves we went to check into our nature resort for the next couple of nights!
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  • Päivä 10

    More Galaxy Cave Pictures by Eashan

    23. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    In the morning, we had a huge breakfast buffet to fill our bellies and then we left for ngo dong, the river where we where going to explore some caves in a boat! We arrived and Sunny went with Mum and Dad while me, Arushi, and Millen had another boat to ourselves. In our first cave we were greeted by a cloud of bats flying and swooping above our heads. We all had torches and we all managed to light up sleeping bats which were a joy to spot.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 10

    Arrived at Tam Coc by Arushi

    23. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ 🌙 30 °C

    After exploring the caves and checking into the resort, we were desperate for a swim to cool off and find relief from the blasting sun and humidity. We splashed around and got ourselves situated in our rooms before getting ready for dinner.

    The resort offered a selection of bikes, however the only available ones seemed to be three rackety squeaky bicycles and two equally rackety and squeaky child bicycles. Millen quickly claimed the small pink one leaving Eashan the blue one, the only two bikes with baskets (when we asked for some baskets the lady produced what could only be described as oversized dog poo bags which we politely declined).

    We set off just before sunset and just after the parade of goats passed by, cycling off in search of some dinner. Around 10 to 15 minutes later, we stopped at a local restaurant and ordered some food and drinks, including sweet and sour chicken, vegetable fried noodles and some lemon grass beef. We played some card games until the meals arrived, however at this point the sky was already darkening and it was apparent that we would be cycling back in the dark.

    After saying good bye to our new friend Emily (a little girl who cycled back and forth to the restaurant) and paying the bill, we set off back home in the pitch black.

    With the aid of phone torches and a lot of communication to each other about the whereabouts of various cracks in the roads, we finally could see the resort where we all clambered into bed exhausted.
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  • Päivä 11

    Tam Coc Riverboat Ride & Caves by Eashan

    24. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    In the morning, after a tearful goodbye to Sonny, we saw a cave on the mountain side from the movie King Kong skull island. The second cave was very similar to the first although it was smaller. On the other side we saw an array of water lilies and lotuses. Lotuses are the National flower of this country and water lilies close at night but lotuses don’t. We carried on sailing until we got to a small pond where we doubled back and returned the same way.. Then we got back to the van and headed to the citadel.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 11

    Hoa Lu Citadel + BichDong Pagoda by Simi

    24. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We were feeling pretty jaded due to the blistering heat but then again so were all the other tourists.
    Hoa Lu was the capital of a Vietnam during the Dinh (AD 968-80) and early Le (AD 980–1009) dynasties. The Dinh chose the site to distance themselves from China.
    Most of the ancient citadel is in ruins but there are two surviving temples which we saw.

    We deffo needed an energy boost so headed for some lunch in an AC restaurant and a game of Bananagrams . Satiated we headed to the Tam
    Coc Bich Dong pagoda.
    We were trying to understand the difference between temples and pagodas. .. tricky stuff.
    So we think temples are pretty much referred to any worshipped places for ancestors, gods and kings and where offerings are made whereas pagodas are somewhere you come to pray and are often tiered temples .

    This pagoda is on three tiers with altars at each level.
    The trail cuts through a large cave in the mountain where statues and small bats appeared

    When we reached the top of the stairs we were welcomed to a stunning view out of the valley of the distant mountain peaks and vast rice fields as well as a perfect place for a meditative prayer.

    We headed back to our small
    Nature hotel resort for a swim bike ride and dinner!
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  • Päivä 11

    Sunny by Millen

    24. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    One of the most amazing things about this trip was not just the beautiful scenes, interesting history, delicious foods, spectacular cultures and breathtaking monuments but also the amazing friends we made. One of the most amazing people we met on this trip was Sunny, he always had a massive smile on his face and brought positive energy with him everywhere he went. He really showed his true compassion and love to this country. He was always up for a hike, boat ride, cycle or even a dive into a river, His exceptional knowledge was amazing and he always had an answer for everything we threw at him. He was such an amazing person and we were so grateful for him as our tour guide. We were so sad to see him go and we hope we can see him again.
    Our time with him was curtailed due to the devastating news of his father in law passing.
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  • Päivä 11

    Bike ride Around Tam Coc by Arushi

    24. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    As soon as we arrived back at the resort, we dived in the pool to cool off for a few hours, playing a multitude of pool games or practicing handstands.

    We then threw some clothes over our swimming costumes and went to investigate the bike situation. Thankfully there were five available fully functioning bikes (with baskets!) and so off we went, with only a vague memory of route directions from our guide.

    We meandered about through narrow streets, expansive fields and past animals nosing around, all illuminated by the soft sunset.

    When we returned to the resort after about an hour of cycling, we jumped back in the pool for a quick swim before showering off for dinner which we had on-site. Feeling happy and full, we then pottered off to bed.
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  • Päivä 12

    Arriving in Halong Bay by Simi

    25. heinäkuuta 2023, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We had an earlyish start ( 7.45) and left the tranquil Tam Coc and headed East for about 3 hours towards Halong Bay. The journey was pretty non- eventful but provided us all an excellent opportunity to catch up with our blog!

    We waited at the port where we met our Boat Manager Jimmy. He was very friendly and helpful!

    We took a tender out to our boat V Spirit. Ha Long Bay in Vietnam. translates to Bay of the Descending Dragon and I would deffo say this is one of the new seven natural wonders of the world. How could somewhere we have heard SO much about live up to its reputation especially when we saw all the mass of tourists literally being shipped in and shipped out … but I’m so delighted ( and relieved) to say this piece of heaven was truly as wonderous as I had dared to imagine. It is a mystical landscape where thousands of limestone karsts burst breathtakingly skywards from the depths of the sparkling, emerald-green South China Seas.

    There are a few stories to how this bay of descending dragons got its name… presumably because of the rolling look of the karst mountains undulating out of the sea that make for incredible photos. Further research refers to the legend that. early Vietnam had to fight off invaders so the gods sent a family of dragons as protectors. These dragons spat out jewels and jade which turned into islets that linked together to form a great wall that destroyed the invaders’ ships. After the battle was won, the dragons decided to live in this bay and the place where the mother dragon descended was thus named Ha Long. Who know but I’m sticking with this latter more poetic version !

    The V spirit was very nice – our room had the most phenomenal ceiling to floor windows so we could admire the view as soon as we stepped into our room, from our bed, from the loo, brushing our teeth and even whilst having a bath ! The next floor above our bedrooms was the dining room. The food was plentiful and looked fancy .. truthfully ( and maybe controversially) it tasted ok.. a lot of it didn’t taste of anything to me! Nonetheless the dining room was lovely with the appreciated floor to ceiling windows so the views did not have to be missed for a second. The AC was fully effective and the next floor was the open rooftop for ogling the views, enjoying a cocktail or simply reclining on a sun bed

    The Bay is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and as mentioned already very popular tourist destination. .. a rather large 6-7 million visitors per year!The whole bay has an area of around 1,500km2, which contains approximately 1,969 islands and islets.
    Normal limestone mountains are usually found on the ground, however, the the Bay’s limestones are raised from above the water. It’s taken 5000 million years to form Halong Bay to 2000 limestone islands as today.

    Once we had checked into our rooms, we were served lunch as we sailed off further into the bay. We discovered quickly
    It really is a photo op around every corner under the blazing sun ! Absolutely bowled over by this special place! I am totally captivated by the beauty of this place- a real tonic for the soul
    and a cure for the restlessness- total stillness. Utterly enchanting in my eyes!
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