  • День 177

    Usual adventures on a sailing boat

    2 марта 2020 г., Caribbean Sea ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We started getting hungry at about 11am and finished a pack of cookies we had in our bag luckily - still in the horizontal position. However, after something to eat, we had regained some energy again and made it to the cockpit. Except for Alejandro and our boat dog Wilson, everyone was still passed out. We saw that Amanda and Caro had changed beds as Caro didn't want to sleep in the saloon anymore after 2 salt water showers during the night due to a not properly sealed window. And Amanda was tired of holding tight in her front bunk bed due to the high waves.
    Within the next 2 hours, Olaf, Amanda, Dhana (shortly) and the captain recovered as well and Alejandro made some sandwiches thankfully welcomed by standing ovations on our side. The captain also made some coffee, which helped us feel alive again. The sea had calmed a little as well, so we were also able to watch dolphins and even stretch and stand up for a while.
    By about 4pm, everyone but Caro managed to get to the cockpit and we all had more sandwiches and tuna salad. We had entered an area of Colombian islands that offered some protection from the waves and winds.
    However, shortly before the sunset, we passed the islands and headed back into open sea, waves got bigger and everyone decided to go back to a horizontal position instead of having dinner.
    Some hours later, we woke up by some noise, light and loud discussions. Water had come into the boat and Michl in the front and Alejandro in the saloon were trying to get it out. As the sea was also pretty rough, the captain decided to anchor close to a nearby island to be better protected from the waves and stay there for the rest of the night.
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