Wilaya de Tipaza

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    • Jour 32

      Again, ..More than expected.

      25 février 2020, Algérie ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      As we went to meet Cherif, the hero who helped us to the headgasket, we had no expectations.
      We hoped to see a bit of the city if Blida, and that might be it. However Charif and his friend Abdo surprised us again.
      On the first day we went half way up the hill of nature reserve Chréa.
      What a stunning view over Blida and his surroundings.
      The next day, Cherif showed us the area, were his father and grandfather has lived.
      But the grandfather's house was bommed during the war of independence, to hunt the people out of the mountains and break resistance. They still own the ruin. Also a small shack on the hill who belonged to his father, a beautiful spot. No water, no electricity. A place of peace and tranquillity.
      We also visited a friend of his father who lives here all his life. With his animals and his wife.
      What a character!
      We visited the springs, his bees and vegetable garden.
      After this up and down climbing walk we are invited for a gorgeous lunch at his family home.
      As this was not enough, Cherif knew that our time was limited by the longer stay at Khemisty, and we had to skip Tipaza and Algiers from our tourlist.
      But he, and Abdo took us to Tipaza anyway.
      This was a great day trip!!!
      As I am a fan of Roman sites, this is really unbelievable.
      Although there were schoolkids, and couples in love, we were, as almost always the only "real tourists".
      And.. We could visit the site the Algerian way.
      This, would never be possible in The Netherlands or elswere.
      You literally walk between, over and under all the archaeological sites. Climb ancient walls, follow footpaths along the walls. Almost get the feeling of being a Roman.
      What a site!! And if we are lucky, this is only the beginning.
      Tipaza itself is a small and nice city.
      If you ever have the chance. Do it!!
      The day was not over yet.
      So we quickly hit the road to get to the " Royal mausoleum of Mauretania"
      It's allegedly the tomb of King Juba II and queen Cleopatra Selene II.
      As you can imagine, we enjoyed and had a lot of fun!
      Driving back to Blida with the sunset was great.
      As this day had no end. Cherif had made an appointment with a local shoemaker, who he knows from his work, Mr.Larby, who surprised us with some handmade slippers.
      Now we are -almost- real Algerians!
      Thanks, Cherif,
      Thanks, Abdo
      You were, you are amazing!!!
      En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Wilaya de Tipaza, Tipaza, ولاية تيبازة


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