Camino Frances 2019

maj - juni 2019
May - June 2019 Læs mere
  • 38fodaftryk
  • 2Lande
  • 28dage
  • 167fotos
  • 2videoer
  • 695kilometer
  • Dag 14

    Tosantos, Burgos Castille y Leon

    21. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Met up with Linda from Montreal when Neii and I checked into a parochial albergue in Tosantos. I had met her earlier on the Way. She told me I really missed out on the famous Granon hospitality by checking into the weirdly situated municipal albergue. Sounded like a unique experience. Poor Neii—the blind leading the blind to the albergue off the beaten track.
    But as always it probably turned out for the best, as Neii slept from 8 pm until 7am the next day...he needed some rest in a quiet place.

    This parochial is very spartan: vinyl mats on the floor for bedding, no hot water or heat, a bland meal with not a trace of protein, but a nice yard with grass which we stayed in for several hours waiting for a late dinner because the rooms were cold. Temps in the morning are 35F/2C to give you an idea.
    About the Spanish food: the most curious thing is that the homemade food here is never salted, so pilgrims, losing salt all day through hard walking, find themselves passing one precious salt cellar from hand to hand at the table, as we all are craving and trying to replace salt in our systems.
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  • Dag 15

    The Physical Camino

    22. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Burgos to Leon by bus: time to reflect and assess.

    Crossing past the physical midpoint of the Camino Frances, Sahagun, by bus. I am bypassing the Palencia region, known to pilgrims as the Meseta, for several reasons; among them concerns about water quality, sun exposure, grass allergies, and time constraints. The last time I walked the Camino Frances, my body was stressed severely and so this time I am taking greater care, walking less ambitious distances. I know the Meseta is beautiful and I am sorry to miss it, but know that the walk from Leon to Santiago is full of challenges yet.
    I have so far walked 210 km (126 miles).

    Note: long essay on the physical aspects of walking the Camino ensues and may bore the bejesus out of many readers, so feel free to tune out here.

    Mastering the physical Camino is what occupies the pilgrim for the first week or two:

    The Camino Frances is really a long series of day-hikes: for most 30-40 days of this routine.

    It may not seem like a big deal, but learning how to efficiently pack your mochilla (backpack)
    without losing stuff and memorizing where you have stashed your stuff is critical. The mind gets foggy with fatigue and you need to have developed strict packing habits to avoid frustration and confusion.

    Navigating uphill climbs and downhill descents according to conditions: uphill seems more intuitive but requires pacing your cardio/vascular energy. Your knees and ankles are mostly flexed so you use your leg muscles properly automatically.
    The downhill runs are where pilgrims sustain the most injuries to their knees, shins and ankles. It’s crucial to keep your knees flexed and springy, using your upper leg muscles to balance and learning to zig zag, changing your pattern often to avoid fatigue, with concentration on each footfall. When slippery after rain, the downhills can be treacherous, so creeping down with utmost caution can be taxing for both body and mind.

    Drinking water in proper quantities turns out to
    be a matter of personal style:

    The Camel: I spoke to a German pilgrim whose method was to drink a half liter of water just before setting off, drinking no water at all during his hiking, and filling up on a full liter at the end of the day.

    The Sipper: Using an internal water bladder in the pack, you can sip water as you walk through a tube attached to your shoulder strap, thereby constantly hydrating as you go.

    I’m now opting for the Camel method modified by occasional water breaks. I left my water bladder behind as it was too heavy and made the water taste bad.

    Learning to turn off the world at will to get your rest: wherever you make your nest, whether on an albergue bed or on a park green in the shade, it’s important to tune out your surroundings with ear plugs and eye coverings to withdraw the senses and restore. It is the height of rudeness to disturb pilgrims who are resting mid-afternoon in the dorms...they are recuperating from their strenuous efforts that day.

    Learning your limits:
    I like to walk between 15-25 km (9-15 miles) per day depending on the elevations of the terrain.
    Some pilgrims clock in 30-40km a day, with mileage on the body varying widely. By now, most blisters are becoming calluses for these pilgrims but they are often wearing knee braces, I notice.

    Some send their packs ahead everyday and walk short distances. I carry my pack everyday (7-8 kilos) which limits my distance as I have decided to try to stop walking by 3-4 pm, so I have time to take care of laundry, shower, and bed setup.That is 4/5 hours per day of walking. This allows me time to slow down, take in my surroundings, enter a church here and there, and change my socks at least once during a break. No blisters for me so far and I still have all my toenails! Grateful for favorable conditions.

    Everyone walks their own Camino.

    Such a long essay! It’s a long bus ride to Leon and I’m so happy to be resting.
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  • Dag 15

    The Mental Camino

    22. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Walking solo on the Camino has presented a unique opportunity for me to indulge my introverted side. (Some may laugh when I say that I am an introvert but I do test out as introverted on the Meyer-Briggs Test.)
    In my daily life at home I am only able to cultivate solitude in short intervals—in prayer, reading, walking or swimming perhaps.

    But here on the Camino I am truly alone for the first time since age 15 when I traveled alone to France for eight weeks. I was so homesick then! I wrote so many letters to my mother, but I didn’t feel lonely as there were one or two fellow boarders to hang around with.

    But here on the Camino I can truly be alone and I am enjoying it very much. I have not bonded with any pilgrims except perhaps with Neii, the 72-year-old Brazilian man who has shared several kilometers and shelters with me over the last ten days. Neii is a gentle, sweet soul and I truly enjoyed his easy company and conversation. But I found myself yearning to be alone again after two days of companionship, and have left Neii for the second time to walk his own Camino apart from me.

    I have met several pilgrims with whom I have whiled away a meal or a morning together, but I am always relieved to be on my own again after an interval of interaction. Socializing requires an energy that I would prefer to not expend right now, as if it were a precious life force which I am guarding for my own use at present, and am loathe to share it, and perhaps that is the reality of the Camino at present for me. Funny how we tend to think of the Camino as a time of fellowship with other pilgrims all sharing the same direction and intent like a large school of fish, but not always is the introspective side expressed in accounts by pilgrims, I suspect.

    While walking I am enjoying a new depth of contemplation in the rhythm set between breath and footfall. I hear the birds and especially love the sound of the swallows, the cucus and the twitterpating sparrows. The swallow song I associate strongly with Spain and their song keeps me company in the cities as well as in the tiny villages. I stand in awe and watch the storks feeding their fledglings in their huge nests on top of the churches, usually the highest point in any village.
    I savor walking alone through the cathedrals, spending as long as I want in each chapel, retracing my steps whenever I want more detail. Having no companion, I am delving more deeply into the history, culture and religious iconography all around me. It has been wonderful.

    I have not really bonded with any Camino family which is interesting as I thought being a solo pilgrim I would surely gather like-minded pilgrims around me to share this experience. Not so, and as I move deeper into the Camino I suspect the desire for solitude will grow stronger, and I begin to see how one might evolve into a hermit. I think I am a hermit right now on this Way, but I am only halfway through this pilgrimage, so how my mind unfolds going forward will be interesting to observe.

    Watching the hypnotizing scenery of the Meseta as it passes by the windows of the bus reinforces in my mind the reasons I did not want to walk it. I know for many pilgrims the Meseta is the mystical, magical walk through endless prairie where one gets to explore the inner landscape because the outer flatness of the landscape offers no stimulation or distraction for the mind. But I don’t need that outer reinforcement in order to go inward. I’m already there in my state of solitude.
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  • Dag 15

    Leon: roaring with beauty

    22. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    I had to pack a lot into the three hours left this afternoon after I arrived in Leon:
    I showered, had an early dinner, and explored the interior of the Leon Cathedral, which I missed on my first Camino as it was closed.
    I spent a few minutes taking in the Gaudi Casa Botines and finagled my way into the last guided tour through the Museo San Isidoro de Leon even though it was in Spanish... I feasted my eyes on the (alleged) Holy Grail and the Pantheon— fresco work oft called the medieval Sistine Chapel. I would love to see more of the San Isidoro Basilica as it resonated with me so deeply. The hints of Mozarabic art in the museum were tantalizing but I was forced to race through with the tour group. I’m so glad I saw this beautiful place and a bit of this extraordinary city.
    Back onto the Way for me tomorrow morning early.
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  • Dag 16

    Vilar de Mazarife, Castille y Leon

    23. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    25 km walk today from Leon to this small village. Stayed here before but different albergue. Casa de Jesus this time.

    Today I was praying for those who suffer from depression, social anxiety and alienation. Holy Comforter, please surround these souls who feel lonely and isolated with your loving Presence and help them to find companionship, inner peace, and a sense of belonging and coming home to You. Amen.Læs mere

  • Dag 17

    Hospital de Orbigo

    24. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Stopped here after a 15 km walk marking the end of the Castilian plateau. Tomorrow the landscape will begin to change on the gradual climb to Astorga and then up into the mountains again into the Maragatos region, a rather formidable and isolated reach filled with stalwart souls who weather deep winter snows up there.

    Today as I walked I laid upon the altar of my heart all those in positions of leadership in this world—Those who mentor others who are seeking, shepherds leading their various flocks in all walks of life, and those who are leaders of nations both great and small:
    Holy Watcher, uphold those who lead, help them to find their sovereignty that they may bear with Your grace the mantle and crown of Wisdom, and may they find their rest by abiding in the heart of Love. May they walk in Love and Wisdom all the days of their lives. Amen.
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  • Dag 17

    Villares de Orbigo, Castilla y Leon

    24. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Staying at an albergue with famous hospitalera Christine from Belgium who has been hosting here fabulously for over six years. A documentary was filmed about her albergue, and indeed she deserves great praise. I’m so glad I happened to stop here and was one of only four pilgrims to share a wonderful homemade dinner with Christine, and a comfortable night in her spotless refuge. So grateful!Læs mere

  • Dag 18


    25. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Got here this afternoon and will wait til siesta time is over before I explore. Gaudi Palacio and Cathedral call me but I will not have time to take in much here. Tomorrow heading out for along hike up into the mountains so need to prepare mentally.
    Walked all day with young Abby, 22, who is walking with her dad and brother who are from the DC area so we can relate.

    I love talking with young people who are old souls, and I had a strong sense that I was intended to spend this time talking with Abby, as she opened up about her life to me, a stranger. It is often so on the Camino that we meet to share our souls and share solace and words of encouragement with each other. I felt honored to be able to listen to Abby’s story on this hot afternoon walk together.
    She reminds me of my dear Gwen at home, another young old soul.
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  • Dag 19

    The Emotional Camino

    26. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Past the blood and the sweat and moving into the tears. Today has started out with difficulty. I’m moving slowly like a snail, except snails are pseudopods so they don’t hobble like bipeds.
    In spite of my warmup stretches and a slow start, my legs are in full mutiny. I’ve only made a few kms and it’s getting near high noon and I have a long way to go up the hill.

    So I hobbled into a perfectly placed chapel known as “ Ecce Homo”—a very simple and holy pilgrim chapel with no crucifix at the altar, but simply a painting of two curtains parting with an emptiness between them. A mysterious void. Striking contrast to the usual ornate gold altar piece surrounding the Corpus Christi. Votive candles burned and incense had been recently offered. The font at the entrance was well maintained with cool, clean water.

    I remember this place from my first camino. I loved it then too. A gentle little man attends tenderly to this place and to the pilgrims who rest here a moment. I walked up to the altar to pray and the tears came. I was feeling like I could not go on, and a huge influx of mixed emotions flooded in suddenly. So I stayed there a long time, pulled myself together, found a magnesium capsule to take to ease my muscles, and now I feel able to a modified pace.
    Then I saw this graffiti which said “Take Your Time” and I pondered on that . Time to work through the emotions and time to work through the body kinks as well.
    I will go ever onward and ever deeper, but onward I must go.
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  • Dag 19

    Rabanal del Camino

    26. maj 2019, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    A rough 22 km walk to Rabanal. Very warm and sunny and I made slow progress, especially when the terrain became more rugged and hilly towards the last 3 km. Took me about 8 hours but I did it!
    I remember doing this stretch with Stuart seven years ago. It was one of our most difficult stages then as we walked all day in cold rain and Stu was still recovering from a terrible bout of gastroenteritis which had laid him low for several days in Astorga. Poor Stuart. Near the end when it got really rough, we stopped and just sat on the ground in the rain as dusk came on.
    So this time was sunny conditions so I have no complaints.
    Tomorrow is the big climb to the Cruz de Ferro and then a long descent on scree for 5 km of steep downhill. Easy does it.
    Attended Vespers and Compline at the Benedictine chapel here. Calming after a long day.
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